Reviews from

in the past

incrivel como esse jogo me fez sentir o que é solidão até ouvir uma voz amiga em um radio.

muito bom pra jogar e terminar em uma tarde de domingo!

Played it a while ago and loved it. It's visually amazing and captivating. My only regret is playing it as casually as I did, because the story really drags you in and feels like a movie, but for that you have to pay attention —which I didn't—.
My advice: PLAY IT, it's a great experience, but don't play it while chatting with friends on Discord or you won't enjoy it as much. I'll probably replay it soon.

Very nice story, i loved the lighting a lot

jogo PERFEITO pra jogar e zerar num domingo a tarde

The introduction to Fire watch is captivating and intriguing. The simple text on a blank screen detailing the lives of Henry and Julie makes you want to know more, and it makes you feel for the characters of Henry and Julie, even though you haven't even met them yet.

Fire watch did stuff different for me, and i truly appreciate it. The gameplay of fire watch is unique and i love it. Walking around the Shosane national park in the Wyoming wilderness makes you feel so much shit all at once. At the beginning it makes you feel curious and nervous, as it feels so big and scary, and you barely know how to use your dumb map. Then it makes you feel scared, and lonely, while still calm and captivated by the art of the trees (which, sidenote, the art direction this game took is fantastic, it just adds to the game and makes it feel more alive). The feelings that the woods give you is based off the story, which was short and sweet and beautiful.

The relationship between henry and Delilah is super intriguing and incredibly well done. While you never see her, you feel connected to Delilah as she accompanies you through the entirity of the story over your radio. The story itself is fantastic, as it ramps up into a giant mystery with a powerful message. Not too much to say on that, just thats it's very well done.

Overall, Fire watch is a lot of things at once. It's calming, its terrifying, it's intriguing. And somehow it works to feel connected. Connected between the story, connected between the characters and connected between the world.

Just go play it man, you'd be doing yourself one hell of a favour

I had a really good time with this Game. Simple, short, good graphics. And of course it is an indie game.

This review contains spoilers

Jogo maravilhoso, perfeito, meu favorito de todos, me fez pensar no mundo ao meu redor, me fez amar a terra em que eu vivo mais ainda, fez eu achar meu porto seguro: a beleza da natureza com suas montanhas, planícies, planaltos e etc. Simplesmente melhor jogo já criado na história dos games, se esse jogo tivesse uma continuação eu só pararia de jogar caso eu completasse 100% simplesmente, maravilhoso, não tenho palavras pra descrever o quanto esse jogo me fez chorar, o fato que o final é muito... Muito...sabe?.. eu gostaria de passar mais tempo com a delilah, gostaria de ter falado coisa melhores com ela, gostaria de ficar confuso de novo na parte quando você acaba de sair da caverna, gostaria de zoar aquelas garotas no lago novamente, firewatch não é só um jogo... Firewatch é um sentimento, algo indescritível, simplesmente perfeito.

Made me want to become a firewatch ranger.

FANTASTIC GAME! The only thing I can think of as a simi bad thing is I kinda wish the story was a bit more satisfying.

ÓTIMA atmosfera, amei cada momento agoniado nesse jogo, é envolvente, e te faz se sentir ali dentro

nao tenho oq reclamar. gostei bastante mesmo tipo muuuuuito. nao sei se tenho q explorar mais doq eu fiz pra entender 100%, mas acho q algumas coisas são só pra suposição. enfim, gostei mt

Tudo que ele tenta fazer bem, ótima história, bons personagens e lindo


I truly have never played a game like this. Even though it seems to be a pretty common idea of basically saying this is a walking simulator, I think myself and everyone else agrees that while true, this offers something much more. The general feel of this is super nice and I was invested the entire time, and it truly is because of both main voice-actors doing incredible performances and line readings. Both of them truly carry the weight of what makes this game good.

I do admire the look of the game and I won't lie when I say the ending did shock me a little bit, but I am more disappointed that there wasn't something more with the two central characters. That was what I cared about the most and the story went a separate way - which I still liked - I just wanted more of Henry and Delilah. I can see why so many love this game and I did enjoy it, but the conclusion seemed a little less than what I had dreamed. Slight recommendation.

Just a walking sim, but one with a really great story

Played it on SteamDeck, finished it after 5 hours.

A very fine game. Loved getting immersed and using the map and compass to figure out where to go. Enjoyed the writing and the pacing - how the main relationship evolves and the mystery intensifies.

More experience like this, please. Short and tight stories with minimal but immersive mechanics. Edith Finch (which I loved and should replay soon) comes to mind.

que jogo maravilhoso

me surpreendeu de uma maneira que eu nao estava imaginando, ah historia muito interessante e bem escrita, graficos bonitos apesar de simples e nao posso deixar de recaltar como e incrivel a toda a relacao dos personagens, tanto o henry quanto a Delilah, tinha momentos que eu so queria poder parar de fazer qualquer coisa que seja apenas para poder ouvir eles conversando e interagindo, o carisma dos personagens e principalmente da Delilah, ela e uma pessoa muito doce, e muito facil voce se apaixonar pela voz da Delilah e voce nem sequer ve o rosto dela e nem sabe como ela é, ela e so uma que e muito boa de se ouvi.

firewatch e a melhor prova de que nao precisa fazer um jogo longo pra ser bom. A imersao criada atraves dos sons e narrativa contada pelos ambientes que o jogador navega sao excepcionais.

esta ai um jogo que merecia muito ser mais conhecido e experimentado por mais pessoas.

This review contains spoilers

so, I've just played this game 2 times in 3 days, and it's made me realise how good this game is.

First off, the music and atmosphere in this game is amazing. All the music is great, but it most importantly makes the woods feel completely different based on what's playing. For instance, if there is calming music, you feel calm and intrigued by the woods, but if the music changes to something creepy, it makes you feel abandoned and like your being watched. This just makes the woods feel so alive and interesting, making them feel scary and calming all at once.

The atomsphere and music and of course in time with the story, which is truly brilliant. The opening is incredible and very emotional, which makes you already feel bad for henry and Julie. When you finally get to woods after the intro, the story is very interesting as it starts with basic tasks and slowly turns into a murder mystery with stalkers and death, and the way it does that is great. The story is also very emotional with a great message on how you need to be there for the people you love and you can't just leave them when stuff gets hard. The story is also connected to the relationship between Henry and Delilah, who we never see, but end up feeling connected to, like you know her so well. This relationship between these two was defiantly the most interesting part, as you can choose what henry says, so it feels like you, yourself, are talking and finding out about her. I thought playing the game twice in such close succession might make the story not be as good, but it still hit just as hard.

This all pairs with the gameplay, which is pretty basic but i though it's worth mentioning. The basic gameplay is walking around the woods, looking at your map and finding your way around the woods completing tasks. The first time i played, i really enjoyed using the map, as you had to figure it out, use your compass and actually interact with the world instead of just having a shitty waypoint. On the 2nd playthrough though, i knew exactly where i was going, i knew every path and i didn't have to look at the map. This feels like it should be a reward, for interacting and connecting with the woods for the entire playthrough, and being able to know where you are should be good, but it just made me feel like i couldn't use my favourite part of the gameplay.

Overall, Firewatch is a very special game, with an incredible message and story, with unique gameplay and a fantastic atmosphere which paired with stellar music creates so many emotions at once.

Please play this game, it is so worth your 2-3 hours. You'd be doing yourself a favour.

i forgot to take turt reynolds with me

It's actually a game about grief and coping.. mm yeah, it's actually really easy to miss. It's just really deep y'know.

This is probably the most beautiful game I've ever played. Both in scenery and story.

I love how you walk around in the woods, just exploring and looking at everything. There's no "set path", you're free to wonder around even if you have some direction. I love how you grow this relationship with Delilah even though you don't see her. Hell, at one point I felt like I wanted to spend long nights drinking tequila with her.

I don't wanna spoil the game too much, but let's just say I liked it's simpleness. Not everything in life is a complicated mystery. I totally recommend this for everyone, no matter what kind of games you like or don't like. Tbh I would even recommend this game to people who usually don't play them.

For a story game, the story wasn’t great (in my opinion pls don’t kill me). The visuals were stunning though and it was entertaining.

played in one sitting. really good story but it did drag a bit in a few parts

Brilliant narrative with fine tuned execution. Sometimes the engrossing world is very easy to get lost in (which is very embarrassing for me during tense narrative beats).