Reviews from

in the past

while it's fighting system wasn't as fleshed out, it still maintained that art style and flow of it's source, if I hadn't seen part 1 like 15 times I probably would have liked this more.

Very simple beat up that starts really bad but ends surprisingly well.

The presentation is very cool for something before David Production just going all out in adapting Araki way of working with colors ands panels and the story is told really well, even more with you having the chance of winning some fights Jonathan didn't win in the manga and seeing how it would turn if he kicked the ass of the dude. The combo system is fun to use and wen you get hamon everything becomes more fluid and you feel the power of your punchs way more. The biggest problem of the game is the camera, a game without a lock on is okay but one with a bad camera and without a lock on becomes a nightmare very quickly. Thanks god the game is short to the point none of the problems really hurt the experience.

Definitely a fun time for a JoJo fan

I do not understand the point of this game.

The gameplay is repetitive beyond believe, it's a 3D beat 'em where you only have the same combo from beginning to end, even if the combo name is different or you control different character.
The Hamon system is pretty interesting, where you have to attack Vampire enemies with Hamon first before you can actually kill them. Though for some reason Speedwagon can do it too in one of the chapter.

There are 2 hardest enemy in this game, the camera and the lack of lock on. I did get used to the jank at some point, but damn it is unpleasant. Especially in the stupid water level, whoever have that fight idea is a sadist.

Now the thing I don't understand.
This game is probably aimed mostly at Jojo fans, which means you already know the story. And if you already know the story, what's the point watching it in a downgraded version when you can just read the manga or watch the anime.

And if a non-Jojo fans play this? They'll probably run away from the franchise after playing this game.

Welcome to the Dio beating simulator. you fight with a guy, then two fights with Dio and so on in a circle. The gameplay itself is monotonous and extremely primitive. Hit a lot to hit harder. I liked the fact that the Persians have different costumes in every battle, you don't often see this, even though it's a small thing. However, I came here to feel the confrontation, a kind of action from the battles of pumped-up gentlemen one on one, and this is tight here.

A pretty alright adaptation of "Phantom Blood" that has one of the worst first impressions of any game I've ever played. But if you stick around enough to get Hamon, then the game gets pretty good.