Reviews from

in the past

Update: i finished it, my main problem is that konami lied that it runs in 1080p when in reality its 720 with no way to change it and the audio sounds muffled at times, other than that mgs 3 is still incredible and it's nice that i can play it whenever i want on steam
only speaking on mgs 3 as thats the only one i bought, its good, it's nice being able to open steam and just boot it up, there are some weird audio things but other than that i cant complain, probably won't be buying 1 or 2 since i own the gog versions but i'll update my review if i ever end up buying them on ps5

- Metal Gear Solid
- Konami

If a Playstation 2 can run Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 at 60 frames per second, why can't a Switch?

Operazione di mercato molto triste e menzognera, al limite della class action.
Evitatela come la peste, non finanziate questo insulto alla storia videoludica.

The ports suck but who cares peak is back on the menu

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 has some issues, but it is far from unplayable. In fact, there are even some things here you can't find anywhere else (or at least easily). The biggest problem is the emulation issues, which I understand. These were not supposed to be remasters, though. These games were always ports. Could've been cleaned up, sure, but they're not bad.

This collection definitely needed a lot more love from Konami. The presentation is great, but I don't like that there isn't a unified collection. Instead, we have individual launchers (so that people can buy games individually). I am glad to see these games on modern platforms and PC, but the end result will vary from person-to-person.

MGS1 has some load issues with regard to cutscenes. These scenes will take longer to load than on PS3. It's not great. The game also looks very fuzzy, and it would have been nice to see a sharpness filter. This seems to be a very straight port with no work to give the game some filters. Yeah, I was straight up expecting a PS1 game on here, but this doesn't even look like that at times. The positive side is that MGS1 does include the Integral version of the game, as well as Special Missions and VR missions. However, Integral and Special Missions require another download for the language packs, which just should have been included. The MGS1 version also comes with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 (though they're obviously ripped from the PS3/360 HD Collection), so if you're considering getting just this one game, keep that in mind.

MGS 2 and 3 are the BluePoint conversions from the HD Collection on the 360/PS3. They are currently having issues running at 1080p, which was the promised resolution. They still run at 720p. Not much is changed with these games, and no other versions of the games are included, which is a shame to not include Substance and Subsistence in this collection.

The extras in each title include the Screenplay and Master Books, which are excellent additions, and can help stuck players, as they're essentially strategy guides baked into the package. There is also a small selection of music in each collection to listen to while reading.

The bonus content is okay. The extra soundtrack is very small. The extra games are strange curiosities from the NES/Famicom, but I'm glad to see them in here, even if they're not well-regarded, as they help to tell a bigger story about the franchise. The digital graphic novels are short films that were in the Legacy Collection on the PS3. They are helpful if you want to skip MGS 1 and 2, but still have the story. They're okay, but still nice to have in here. Weird that the bonus material has its own launcher, too. Would have been better if they had been included in the MG 1 and 2 bundle, but it's fine. You don't seem to be able to acquire this part of the package separately, however, you have to buy the full collection to get access to this content.

Overall, it's not a bad collection, but definitely needed some more effort from Konami. Hopefully Vol 2 will be done better, and even more, I hope for a unified collection in the future.

half assed port more or less, just like the OG port of mgs2 there's no QOL enhancements for PC users and it's just a straight rip of the HD collection games. the best remaster wouldve been just getting the OG source code and compiling it again instead of using Unity and doing some internal reverse engineering for some reason. atleast MGS1 and MG 1 and 2 had some effort done into it

sizin ben ananızı sikeyim

yeah the PC ports suck but they got Mori Calliope to do a song for this that's way worse

Os jogos continuam maravilhosos, isso não há duvida, mas o tratamento que a Konami deu é... complicado, principalmente para a versão de PC

Honestamente só vale apena se você não tem nenhuma outra forma de jogar os jogos, porque de verdade, nunca na minha vida eu achei que eu veria uma coleção receber Patch Notes

MGS3 crashes on Steam Deck 😩

They put pants on Johnny, actually go fuck yourself, Konami.

Overall: Poor quality ports with lots of fixes, they do run and are easily obtainable so...

MGS3: This is my favorite game of all time so I took this rerelease pretty seriously. Having to edit hex or use a mod to change your resolution from 720p is asinine and I cannot believe this launched without ANY graphics options whatsoever. The actual game runs fine, locked 60fps and played just as well with a few bug fixes which I appreciate.
Played on E-Extreme Foxhound rank.

The original Metal Gear Solid games have been stuck on seventh generation hardware for what has felt like enterity, and I was delighted when this collection was announced. And while this collection isn’t entirely bad, it has issues.

For Metal Gear Solid 1, the game is a bit blurry and hard to see. Metal Gear Solid 2 is supposed to be 1080p, but is obviously at 720p. It also has compressed audio, which sounds awful compared to the other ports. The best game in the collection by far is Metal Gear Solid 3, having no issues on my end. The game is 1080p at 60fps. The only issue was that in the cave, my game freezed for half a second. However, it still suffers from compressed audio.

If you’re on PC, I cannot recommend this collection. Though, if you have no other options, than this collection will do just fine.

Edit: I don’t know if Konami dropped a secret patch or what, but now MGS2 is actually at 1080p. Although, like MSG3, the audio is compressed and the texture quality isn’t upscaled from the PS3/X360 versions. If you’re on PC, I would say you’re still better off emulating them and using mods, but for console users, this is a good option.

yeah the PC ports suck but they got Mori Calliope to do a song for this that's freaking AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥

Haven’t actually played this or seen how shit the port is, but Mori Calliope’s song compared to themes as iconic as “Snake Eater” and MGS2’s main theme is the funniest fucking thing ever. Thank you Konami.

cringe ass ISO port
I go Sneaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking
Sneaking like I’m SNAKE, Everybody keep it SOLID
I go Sneaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking-neaking
Sneaking like I’m SNAKE, Everybody, find your bomb

All the games being stuck at 30 fps on top of a shit ton of bugs for no reason. Also, the Switch version is a fucking scam because the MGS games just aren’t even included in the cartridge at all. Never change Konami, never change.

yani, aşırı iyi bir oyunun çok iğrenç bir portu, adamlar direkt olarak ps1 emuletorunden alıp ısıtıp 1-2 tane icon değiştirip üstüne başa bi launcher ekleyip steam e eklemişler, mgs 3 ü 5 saat oynadım şuanlık, mgs 1 ise gram oynanılabilir değil 10 dk oynayıp alt f4 çektim çünkü oyunda "exit" tuşu yok çünkü oyun birebir ps1 versiyonu farkı yok, aralarında bir tek mgs3 oynanabilir, bunu almaktansa gidip emuletor ile oynayın en azından orda ayar yapabiliyorsunuz.

very lazy. i can get the idea of people getting hyped about the master books, OSTs, manuals and many things that preserve the original feel of the game when you get it, but if you want that just get the original games for the ps3 or the legacy edition for the ps3, it sure as hell isn't worth 60$ when you can fucking see the game loading in the original hd collection screen which is so fucking shameful i don't know how konami released it, the games run as you'd expect. do yourself a favor and play it on an emulator. this is pure shit especially after removing kojima from the credit.
doesn't support wide screen and some how looks worst than the hd collection to me.

port sucks mad gorrila dick!!! but MGS is Back! I'm so happy to see this Franchise which was almost erased from Existence come back to Life! Can't Wait for Volume 2 and Delta: Snake Eater