Reviews from

in the past

Great value collection, questionable performance, resolution and optimisation.

Once, while playing the first game of all things, the cutscenes lagged like a scratched DVD. And of all my childhood memories, scratched DVDs is not one I need a reminder of.

If they had such trouble porting 1-2-3, I'm scared for Volume 2. MGS4 is a ps3 game, its gonna be finnicky to port, and their current record is not stellar.

I really wish it was better because the actual content of this collection is great

I love metal gear its my favorite franchise of all time. I love getting to play it on current hardware. I also love all the bonus content.

بورت تعبان بس السلسله حلوه

This was my first encounter with the MGS series and it sucks that this is how I was able to experience such a beloved videogame franchise. The ports are just old ports that had to be re-released due to licensing issues and you can tell their age. It would've been nice if these were actual remasters. It's most notable in MGS1 as it almost looks fuzzy. The storytelling and cinematography holds up very well still and I loved what Hideo Kojima has created. I couldn't give it a lower score because I really did enjoy these games. Just sucks that they aren't real remasters. Looking for to Metal Gear Delta now!

Horrible collection of "ports".
MGS2 and 3 just running an emulator to play the HD collection, but somehow having anti-aliasing and texture filtering turned OFF, makes this genuinely lower graphical quality on ps5 than the HD collection on ps3.

MGS1 not supporting analogue movement, despite being openly admitted to be a ps1 emulation, and the ORIGINAL GAME SUPPORTED DUALSHOCK ANALOGUE JOYSTICKS, demonstrates that this is PURELY an issue of Konami's ps1 emulator team not bothering to include analogue movement support that FREE EMULATORS PROVIDE.

Do not buy

I'm currently finished playing MGS, the first game I played of this franchise. The game plays good, maybe not the best way to play this game.

I still have to play the 2nd and 3rd game of this collection.

I have had an unorthodox exposure to the Metal Gear games. Played 2 when I was like 12 and just didn't get it. Played the NES game on an emulator in middle school and again didn't get it. I then skip ahead to Phantom Pain and loved it. But it belonged to a friend and only got through the first hour and a bit.

Now I'm gonna work my way all the way through. Long overdue but after beating Metal Gear Solid 1 I can say that while I think I would have liked them in highschool I'm glad to have such a fantastic series a head of me in my adult life.

The first game holds up incredibly well and despite a few things that have aged poorly it is still incredibly fun. Impressive for its time for sure. Great sense of humor. Goofy, over the top, soapy post cold war plot that is a lot of fun. Controls are dated but serviceable. Graphics are charming.


Una delle peggiori remastered/collection di sempre
A parte MGS1 che si gioca come lo si è sempre giocato e a parte il fatto che hanno messo la possibilità di giocare le versioni di regioni diverse (europee, americane e giapponesi), la possibilità di emulare i salvataggi, di leggere il manuale altrimenti inaccessibile e la possibilità di guardare gli script e sentire la soundtrack, gli altri 2 giochi, MGS2 e MGS3 sono un disastro totale.
Questi ultimi 2 sono inferiori in tutto e per tutto alla HD Edition sbarcata su ps3 e 360 nel 2011 e non presentano ALCUN MIGLIORAMENTO. Cosa che i modder sono riusciti a fare anche solo con un semplice fix ed un file .ini da poter modificare a piacimento. È assurdo che per una collection rilasciata al lancio a 60 euro succeda questo.
Compratelo solamente su PC dove con le mod potete veramente rendere questi giochi il meglio del meglio e comunque vi consiglio di comprarlo tramite key od in forte sconto. Evitate le versioni console. Pensate che su xbox è meglio giocare l'HD Collection del 2011 in retrocompatibilità che giocare questa nuova versione e non parliamo proprio invece della versione switch.

Pretty lacking port but at least it has 3 of the best games ever made.

I'd rate this higher if the collection itself was done better. I can't quite say Konami phoned it in, but it definitely does feel lacking. Having the ability to play these games on modern consoles is an absolute godsend, however, and I'm just glad that newer audiences have the chance to play this. This rating isn't indicative of the games themselves, which are all easily as great as they've always been. Just beware that this collection is lacking in some respects.

vsf joguei o 3 por umas 2h derrotei o Volgin e o Shagohod e a merda travou perdi td


A collection of three of the best games I have ever played. The collection loses some points for the visuals not looking as good as the 360 collection in some instances, but overall it's still a great way to experience the games if you're a new fan or a returning one. It even includes a mock save system, so Mantis can read your card.

Probably the best value you can get out of 60 bucks. So so so much content here, sure the preformance isn't anything amazing (especially on switch), but dude there's like 10 games here depending on how you count it. The new UI design on all the games is amazing. I do wish that collections like this would go back to being one application with a grand menu and not 1 for each game or so, but I can acknowledge it's more convenient. And it's almost always on sale physically for like 20-30. Go get it and at least play 1 of them. Now we gotta hope that they make Vol. 2 so this doesn't fall into that annoying camp of unfinished game compilation series (which is a camp, yes.)

Aqui vão ter duas reviews, uma pros jogos em si, que eu rejoguei depois de mil anos, mas a nota e a segunda parte da review vão ser pra esse port em especifico.

A trilogia dos msgs é simplesmente absurda, eu de verdade tinha esquecido a magia que esses jogos tem, apesar do 1 e algumas coisas do 2 terem envelhecido meio mal. Eu amo a mecânica do mgs 1 q nao te contam nada e se você quer descobrir as coisas, tem que ligar pelo codec pro pessoal te contar.

EU AMO a história do mgs 2, parece que tão fazendo um copy paste do mgs 1 até q no final tudo é revelado em 45 plot twists seguidos feitos de maneira impecavel. Além disso, ele melhora a gameplay do primeiro jogo em tudo.

Mgs 3 é o apice dessa franquia, as mecânicas survival, a exploração, os bosses, a história, tudo é absurdo, a gameplay é um upgrade de tudo que teve antes na franquia e mostra a origem de varias coisas reveladas no mgs 2.

Agora para o review desse port:

mgs 1 não ter recebido nenhum QOL update é absurdo, no minimo widescreen support devia ter... Literalmente com 5 cliques no duckstation você deixa o jogo MUITO melhor que esse port, é assustador.

mgs 2 e 3 tem a qualidade de audio MUITO RUIM, e eu não sou uma pessoa que presta atenção nisso, mas até eu consegui notar. E eles foram tao preguiçosos que nem trocaram as logos e loading screens da hd collection do ps3. Juro, é aterrorizante o quanto a konami é preguiçosa. Tenho medo pelo remake de mgs 3 e de silent hill 2 que estão por vir.

игра - классика. переиздание - прогрев гоев

Finished MGS1 and started MGS2.

I don't really care if it's kinda a scam, it's still the absolutely amazing games in one collection.


If you are interested in my thoughts on each game check them out here:

MGS2 -
MGS3 -

I never had any experience with the Metal Gear franchise before playing them through this and it served that purpose well. It provided a lot of extra content that I haven't really looked at much and it also provides the old NES game which is a nice addition.

As previously mentioned I never played these games before so I cant really comment on any performance differences as all three games ran perfectly fine for me but apparently compared to previous ports it doesn't hold up as well. Also when it comes to MGS1 moments like switching controllers during the Psycho Mantis fight and finding Meryl's frequency are much more tedious as you cant just pull the controller out and plug it into the other slot or look on the back of the game case (If you bought it digitally at least, like I did)

Obviously its a cash grab as most ports are but I think it gives enough content to not go down as a waste of money. Im wondering what they will include if they do a volume 2. Overall not a bad way to experience these sensational games in the current day

Le tre stelle sono per la collection, non per i giochi che in se' sono tutti e tre da 5 stelle!

This is not only a worse port of each of these games, it flat out doesn’t work. In MGS1 when you want to switch controller ports, the menu takes 15 minutes to load. I’m not even shitting you. This is such an insulting and greedy collection. Don’t buy it and don’t support Konami.

Impressionante ter gente defendendo essa merda. Fanboys de MGS merecem as palhaçadas que a Konami faz.

Otimização porca (alguns jogos estão mais pesados que o MGSV), texturas e áudio do MGS2 e MGS3 piorados, MGS1 sendo uma emulação ruim de PS1 sem nenhuma opção de melhoria gráfica em nenhum dos jogos (não são os mesmos jogos de anos atrás, são versões piores e com novos bugs! Só que vendido a R$300 para otários comprarem). A konami tá corrigindo algumas coisas só que numa velocidade absurda de um patch mensal (mas o preço veio inteiro...).
Numa coletânea onde se espera bons conteúdos extras dos jogos, a Konami decidiu RETIRAR conteúdo. Tanto o joguinho de andar de skate na Shell do MGS2, quanto o crossover com ape escape de MGS3 não estão presentes. O MGS1 tem um bug que o controls analógico não funciona como deveria e fica parecendo um input lag horrível, derrotar a Sniper Wolf assim deve ser péssimo.

Se você valoriza seu dinheiro, diferente de mim emocionado, emule os jogos, jogue a versão abandonware da gog do MGS2, põe o MGS1 e VR Missions no duckstation que ficam infinitas vezes melhores e de graça. Se quiser mesmo comprar, espere a Konami ter corrigido todos os problemas e tenha um pc superior ao dos requisitos recomendados porquê na época que lançou eu joguei num hardware inferior e enfrentei muitos slowdowns no MGS2 e MGS3.

No momento só zerei o MGS2 (+ todas as conquiostas e itens de New Game Plus), com mods que corrigem alguns dos problemas e um pc que atende aos requisitos, possivelmente se torna a melhor, se não uma das melhores formas de se jogar MGS2 e MGS3. Mas são as mesmas versões da HD collection (só que mais bugadas como já citei), qualquer outro jogo da coletânea já tem formas muito melhores de se jogar e sem gastar um centavo.

Acho que só vou abrir de novo essa Master Collection quando corrigirem os jogos. Se você nunca zerou MGS4, ou mesmo o Peace Walker, não espere um volume 2, porquê mesmo que tenha um, será tão mal feito quanto esse. Se você tem um bom processador, emule o MGS4, e fique longe do youtube e comunidades, porquê tem gente que só sabe ver as partes negativos desse jogo e ignoram todos os pontos bons.

one of the most overated games of all time

3 Solid games. Great way to experience the beginning of one of the most iconic gaming franchise of all time. Looking forward to volume 2.

Must be new around these parts if you haven't heard of Metal Gear before. Long codex conversations about MUF and edible wildlife, cutscenes the length of an average Mexican soap opera, convoluted plot reveals and twists where everyone is a double or a triple agent and a healthy dose of "I'm 14 and this is deep" conversations that make you wince. Now that's a recipe that only a truly unhinged chef can turn into a delicious 3 course meal.

Despite the awkward controls or for the lack of a better word memey line delivery every now and then there wasn't a single hour that I spent where I didn't have a good time with these games. From the tightly packed MGS1 to the rollercoaster story of MGS2 that really hits differently in 2023 to the further refinement of gameplay, characters and story in MGS3.

Negative points for quite the pricey tag, lack of any real options in the game menu and for the archaic game controls.

If you don't have allergy to stealth or a bit of cheese in your stories I implore you to try out these games it very well might be your new favorite and with this collection it's easier than ever before.

Portage flémard, jeux excellent. MGS 3 un très bon jeu a jouer