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in the past

3 Solid games. Great way to experience the beginning of one of the most iconic gaming franchise of all time. Looking forward to volume 2.

Must be new around these parts if you haven't heard of Metal Gear before. Long codex conversations about MUF and edible wildlife, cutscenes the length of an average Mexican soap opera, convoluted plot reveals and twists where everyone is a double or a triple agent and a healthy dose of "I'm 14 and this is deep" conversations that make you wince. Now that's a recipe that only a truly unhinged chef can turn into a delicious 3 course meal.

Despite the awkward controls or for the lack of a better word memey line delivery every now and then there wasn't a single hour that I spent where I didn't have a good time with these games. From the tightly packed MGS1 to the rollercoaster story of MGS2 that really hits differently in 2023 to the further refinement of gameplay, characters and story in MGS3.

Negative points for quite the pricey tag, lack of any real options in the game menu and for the archaic game controls.

If you don't have allergy to stealth or a bit of cheese in your stories I implore you to try out these games it very well might be your new favorite and with this collection it's easier than ever before.

Portage flémard, jeux excellent. MGS 3 un très bon jeu a jouer

As a collection and port job it's pretty average. Would have been great to upscale the graphics a bit but the extras while nice and cool it's nothing to get super excited about. Its just awesome to play these on modern hardware.

Isn’t it weird how a release can feel like a genuine gift to players, but at the same time like a rushed cash grab?

Like, I’m genuinely happy that three bona fide classics are playable, in somewhat original form, on modern consoles. I.e., no emulation Kung Fu needed, or juggling with 3rd party paraphernalia to get your old consoles running on a modern TV.

Metal Gear Solids 1-3, playable on the Switch”, they said. Well, all right then. I’m unironically here for that.

On the other hand, this has to be the most half-assed game collection in recent memory. Personally, I don’t particularly mind that the games aren’t in full HD, 60 fps and what have you. In fact, I prefer them not to be. But that’s a “me-problem”, and really beside the point. Those kinds of features are the norm in any kind of (supposed) Criterion-treatment of a beloved series, and should at least be optional.

Then there’s the confusing packaging. Having each game, and the bonus features, as separate installations sure is a choice. I’m no developer but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why they just didn’t put all the games and bonus features in one menu.

Speaking of bonus features, reading the Masterbooks (basically, an art+lore book/”making of”-.pdf) on a TV – let alone on a handheld Switch – is downright awkward. This is exactly the kind of collectible feature that players would shell out top dollars for. Hey, Konami. “Books”, remember those things? And the less said about the user experience of the online manual, the better.

So no, sadly, this isn’t the triumphant return of a formerly beloved developer/publisher to console gaming, and why would it be? Konami’s shareholders are more than happy with the company’s focus on mobile gaming, pachinko machines and Yu-Gi-Oh.

What’s worse is I have a sinking feeling that the upcoming Metal Gear Delta release won’t be a return to form, either. Honestly, MGS 3’s latest version (the PS3 HD Subsistence-version, included in the collection) has aged just fine.

But you know what game would benefit from a makeover? MGS1, that’s what. From frustrating control and camera to icky characterizations and dated script. The amount of time spent on talking about Meryl’s butt is cringe-inducing. A modern retelling of the game, from the ground up in a new engine, would be interesting to see (and not just a Twin Snakes-reskin is what I’m trying to say).

That would take considerable effort though. Judging by Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: Volume 1 Konami has none to spare.

a mid port of some of the greatest games of all time, mods fix all the problems but it's sad Konami didn't give these games the love they deserve. still probably worth it if you've never played any metal gear although you should prob emulate MGS1, the master collection version just doesn't have analogue control for whatever reason.

A great collection that brought some MGS games to the current gen and it’s by far the best and easiest way to experience the amazing MGS games. Get this if you’re thinking about getting into the franchise and don’t have time to troubleshoot emulators.

It's a great collection of the original Metal Gear saga that Kojima intended to release back when he worked on the series. The collection has a lot within it such as the screenplays, master books, and it contains up to 10 games so I do believe that this collection is a good deal for $59.99. Now that being said, there are maybe a couple minor issues such as no borderless window option and small audio issues. I don't care about complaints that people have about no 4K or high tech stuff like that because that's just asking for stuff that'll mess these games up. I'd def recommend getting the collection if you've never played Metal Gear before, it's one of my all-time favorite game series. Thank you for creating these games, Hideo Kojima.

A great collection of games. They run great. Some of my favorite stories in games. Not the best way to play them but if you have no other options then this works

a shitty port to modern platforms of a shitty port to PS3. Stick to pachinko Konami. You should just emulate these games if you can't use original hardware.

MGS1-3, MG1&2, MGS VR are all available in this package for modern consoles. There isn't much beyond that, but the games are still great.

To get it out of the way, Metal Gear is my favorite series. While I didn't have many issues whilst playing the collection and I can understand that people wanted more, saying the ports outright suck due to your own overzealous imagination is not something I can get behind. Yes this collection is pretty barebones in terms of graphical touch ups but I'm someone who chooses to play games on actual hardware so I'm not drooling over playing something like MGS1 in 4k. I didn't notice framerate problems either, even in MGS3 but it takes some massive drops for me to notice those. The issues I did run into will be given in detail when talking about the game in question. But the short of it is, the games themselves are fully playable but I ran into issues in 2 and 3 that I never had on ps3 Hd collection or in the ps2 versions in all my years of playing that do not have anything to do with the 360 controls I am not used to.

In terms of Master collection specific content you have the entire screenplay and master books which while cool, I'd rather have those in my hand instead of on my tv and only skimmed them due to that. You got some music tracks too with a selection that could be described as random, however I don't turn on my consoles to listen to music so I never gave them much of a listen. I can just pull up songs on youtube or use these things called CDs of the osts I have should I ever want to listen anyway. On PS5 much like the Battle Network Legacy Collection, each thing has its own icon and install instead of it being one all encompassing package. Other language versions are options but in my experience some had to be downloaded as did the digital graphic novels but the main games (MG 1,2, MGS1, VR missions, 2 and 3) were on there from the get go. Pressing L1+R1 brings up a menu which you can use to pause cutscenes (thought it takes a few seconds) but I only had it work in MGS1. A shame cuz I really could have used it when going for no alerts in 2 and 3 since I couldn't get the usual reset code to work.

Onto the games themselves:

MG1 and 2- These are the ones from MGS3 subsistance/HD collection but ripped out and made its own launcher. They even still use the mgs3 save screen. Yes NES Metal Gear and Snakes revenge are in the master collection too but I will NOT play the NES one again and refuse to touch Snake's Revenge. As far as MG1 goes, I've never been a fan of it. It very easy to get yourself suck either due to missing a prisoner, card, ammo what have you and the hitboxes on the pitfalls were always absurd at best. Yeah I get it, old game design but still I find MG1 to be more annoying than enjoyable which is why I've only played it a couple times. I can only take so much near unavoidable damage cuz everything respawns on a screen change. As for Metal Gear 2, its honestly shameful how little I've played this one cuz it cannot be overstated how much of a step up it is compared to 1 and its where you see what the series will become take form. Still WAY too much backtracking especially at the end, and while MGS1 is close to a 3d version of this game, they were smart enough to cut back on it aspect. The other old game design aspects still apply but the addition of the radar at least let me be mostly prepared for the enemy on the other side of the screen change.

MGS1- Still my favorite game and always will be. No problems while playing for me other than johnny has pants on for some reason after Meryl knocks him out. Its the ps1 version complete with its weird texture warping quirk games on that system had. You can make fake save data for Mantis' stuff so this version is 1000% better than the pc release you can buy on GOG and its not up for debate. I didn't see these loading issues with cutscenes people keep bringing up either but even I'm not blind enough to not notice the fuzzyness the game had at times. I also went through VR missions and thats all I have to say about that cuz I never cared for VR missions. Integral is there too and it was my first time playing that version. While its cool to be able to listen to the TAPPY main theme at whim via codec instead of on a third playthrough (my favorite rendition), its not as novel now that youtube exists. Yes I know about Meryl's new costume in it but I pretty much went back to the original MGS1 after that initial playthrough.

MGS2- Still MGS2 where its 1/3 codec conversations despite being 3 feet from each other and why the codec has a bad name. If people weren't bitching about these games being some sort of 720p over the promised 1080p I wouldn't have known, and tbh I still didn't notice much. This was my first time experiencing the new controls that where part of the 360 version of the HD collection. In MGS2 they were fine but even after several playthroughs I still kept trying to play the game the normal way with pressure sensitive buttons that don't exist. It took me several playthroughs and a snake tale to internalize that the coolant spray uses the right stick now and not square. Being able to click the left stick to raise and lower your weapon is something I think is a good idea actually. Other than that I did have the game freeze on me twice for several seconds, one time on two different playthroughs and both on Big Shell while the Tanker had no issues. One of those times was during the Harrier boss and the other while escorting EE where you need to put out the fire. Both of these involved fire effects now that I think about it. As I said these were FREEZES not crashes, they sorted themselves out after like 5 seconds but in all my years of playing this game on PS2 and later ps3, I never saw this before. It reminded me of playing games with scratched discs but mine aint scratched even if somehow EVERY game that I order online is loose in case when I take it out of the mailbox without fail. Since it is the HD collection version it also means you don't get the best optional content in the series, SKATEBOARDING with a kick ass rendition of the main theme!

MGS3- While MGS1 is my favorite, I do think MGS3 is the overall best entry and because of that I have nothing much to say. The game is still amazing and I didn't notice any stock footage, apparently the reason why the original collection was delisted in the first place, missing. Here is where the new controls really screwed with me the most. Honestly kind of felt like it wasn't reading what I intended when trying to slam vs grab. I had a similar freeze moment like I did in 2, once while swimming and once during the bike sequence. The flashback scenes towards the end did look a bit fuzzy as well and some animal models in the food screen looked pretty rough but special mention goes to The End's parrot. I also missed a Kerotan on my first run and I have no idea where so I'm PISSED. And it should og without saying but its the HD collection version so no second disc bonuses. Even the previous bonus of MG1 and 2 are their own things now so its truly just MGS 3 subsistence diet edition.

I do hope a volume 2 happens whether its of similar barebones ports or not. MGS4 deserves better than to be locked on the ps3 though other than Peace Walker I can't imagine what else they are gonna put in it. Will they just throw in the definitive edition of 5? Will they actually go all in and put Portable ops and the Acid games on here? Ghost Babel (though that should have been in collection 1) Revengence?? Lord only knows. I'm just happy more people can play these great games now on more current platforms and don't have to either decide between starting with the likes MGS5 which is an awful decision or something unlike any of the other games like Revengence. As it stands I could see myself using this collection for MGS1 replays but for 2 and 3, ignoring the convenience of already having this collection installed and system set up, I don't think I see myself playing these versions over the ps3 hd collection or ps2 releases. I can't so easily overwrite almost 20 years of conditioning for pressure sensitive inputs.

This is a collection of 3 of the best games ever and then Metal Gear 1/Snake's Revenge, but this is a bad port. It's better than nothin, and if you don't have a PS3, this is the best way to play these games right now.

Modded, on Steam, these are perfect.

Games barely run on my pc. You could argue that's a me problem but I would argue that I should be able to run these 20+ year old games, especially when I can run Revengeance on the lowest graphics settings no problem

The new extra stuff they added is neat and I appreciate having all the MGS1 related stuff in one place but the lack of care put into the ports themselves is abysmal

i saw all this coming since we got the very first details about this... and OH GOD!

MGS1 has a REALLY bad input lag (on my experience, i never saw anyone talking about this so maybe it's just me :I) and has no analog support, something that the original game had with the dualshock controller, good job konami.
MGS3 is locked at 30 fps only on switch, we're all know the switch isn't as powerful as a modern PC or console, and i don't mind that too much (mainly because usually unlocking the framerate to old games breaks them, look at GTA San Andreas) my issue here is that meanwhile the HD collection for PS3/X360 runs at 60 fps with just a few issues on ps3, WHAT! (i don't know if MGS2 is locked too but that would be worse remembering that it runs at 60 fps on the original PS2).
There's no video options, i saw a lot of people saying that MGS1 looks blurry as hell and of course you can like that or not (i don't) but why not letting you choose having them or not! let players choose between watching every polygon of snake's butt, make you believe that you need glasses, or even CRT filters, CAPCOM DOES IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
Can someone please explain me why the pc version requirements are actually higher than MGSV, a 2015 game, that thing it's just bad optimization, there's no excuse (and speaking about that, am i the only one who gets worse loading screens than on emulators?)

Maybe there's more to tell but probably my mind forgot about that to keep me mentally sane, the thing that most hurts me is that at this point we should forget about the vol. 2, which means MGS4 will be still trapped on PS3

People don't have to start with V or Revengeance now at least

A collection of three of the best games I have ever played. The collection loses some points for the visuals not looking as good as the 360 collection in some instances, but overall it's still a great way to experience the games if you're a new fan or a returning one. It even includes a mock save system, so Mantis can read your card.

Concedió pero no tendrá motor

The quality of this collection could have been better (like their recent Castlevania and Contra collections), but I’m genuinely glad to finally be able to play these on current gen. Hoping we get Volume 2 with the PSP games and 4 soon

good collection coulda been better but the accesibility is what matters anyways, all i ever wanted from the master collecton was to be able to comfortably play competent versions of metal gear from steam without bullshit or fiddling around with emulators and it accomplished that so it's a win in my book

plus the extras are pretty neat and useful, like the guidebooks and the script and shit it's not really stuff that you might actively pursue but you can appreciate that they included it

hopefully they'll bother to fix the resolution on PC, but it don't matter to me, maybe it matters if you're on a 4K monitor but on a 1080p one it doesn't even look that blurry, the alt tabbing is the only actually annoying thing but besides that i'm just glad i'm playing consistently smooth and responsive versions of mgs2 and 3, no emulator slowdowns, no nothing just pure unadulterated kino

they could have done a better job with mgs1 tho ngl

They seriously need to fix the bugs.

I just want it to be said that the Metal Gear Solid trilogy is my favourite trilogy ever made, if I were to be reviewing this collection based off the games included it would be a very easy 10/10. Though I'm not rating the collection off of that but rather instead how it was handled.

Konami is capable of handling good collections considering the track record with things like the original MGS HD Collection + Legacy Collection, the TMNT collection, and even some of their Castlevania collections. Though not everything is good as they are also responsible for the worst ever collection with the Silent Hill HD Collection. I would say this one would be right in the middle of those I mentioned, with the exception of the PC port which is on par with the SH HD Collection. My experience on PS5 was definitely a fine one, no major bugs like save data corruption, no crashes, all minor bugs that happened to be audio issues which only occurred in MGS1/2. I like how they used the bluepoint versions of MGS2/3 but it's clear they had just copy and pasted the version here and it's a bit disappointing how MGS1 is just being emulated and not being ran natively, a big issue for the EU versions of the game as the game runs sub 25fps. I don't mind the absence of full HD support for MGS1 as I don't think it looks anything amazing but the fact that MGS2/3 aren't even 1080p is disappointing.

It's still an amazing collection of games though as MGS1-3 are some of the best games to ever come out and the collection itself has cool menus and bonus features, stuff like the original MSX games and even the NES versions and the DGNs were definitely not needed but very cool to be included.

It just gets me worried about how volume 2 will be handled and mainly for MGS4 as that game was hand crafted specifically for the PS3. They had a working version for Xbox 360 which gives me hope but not complete faith as bluepoint won't be working on that version and just in house at Konami.

Wait till it's patched. By then it'll be worth it's asking price. Extras like the master book, screenplays for all games and the different versions are great for Mgs fans even though it may be crap that you have to download the different versions and a lot of stuff isn't on the disc at all/cartridge even worse. Comparison to how these games were ported on PS3. Those titles on PS3 in terms of their polish and port quality is a 5/5 compared to this. This is the first time I've noticed actual bugs and blemishes on any port apprently the hd collection had a small number but none ever detrimental or negatively affecting unlike this. Mgs1 is bilinear filtering upsampled so it actually looks blurryier than how you remember it. And it also has audio cracking:(. Mgs2 alert phases bugged a lot for me and mgs3 rain got messed up are the highlights for me. It's playable if not the most inferior way to play these games right now as of launch release date

For a medium to play the first 3 MGS games, this port collection works well. Sure, you can nitpick all you want with it and complain about how it’s low effort, but i’m just glad I finally get to play these games. Especially since I get to play them on my PS5, rather than the original consoles/emulation.

Making 3 of the greatest games ever made more readily available is a w in my books

Gostei principalmente por eles trazerem os jogos antigos pros consoles novos, que venha MGS4

Ps2 game “remastered” for ps3 and then ported over the same thing over to ps5. Fuck konami.

A Masterpiece Bundled In a Shoddy and Disappointing Port

Oh man how do I review this? I bought this collection solely for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater because it's the only one of the first 3 MGS games that I've never played. I've considered emulating because of the reception but with mods and fixes, I'd say it looks and plays better.

We've got so many memorable and grounded characters, amazing CODEC conversations, a stamina system that I didn't hate, charming and campy villains, and a story that moved me to tears. My only personal gripes was the final boss theme kicked off when the fight's almost over and it took me a while to get used to the controls. I still fumble with aiming and crouching on intense situations at the end.

The remastered efforts though leaves a lot to be desired. A bunch of crashes, glaringly low quality and sometimes missing textures, colors are washed out, and at one point PARA-MEDIC's voice changed.

Overall, with HD mods and Reshade, it's an almost perfect experience and very well worth playing in 2023. I'm glad this exists for us first-timers but I hope it gets patched up eventually. I can put up with it but It sucks that this masterpiece of a game is not treated with the appropriate love and care.

My experience with Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a 5/5 but because of the shoddy port, I'll settle for a 4/5

Console: 3 of 5 - A barebones port job, but the option to download the original Japanese versions along with other regional editions & the Screenplay/Master Books make this worthwhile for newcomers and fans. The games are presented as close to originally intended as possible and the devs made some fixes to MGS2 & 3 (codec delay is gone in MGS2; that bug single handedly adds multiple unskippable hours to a normal play through), so I do applaud them for going the extra mile in that aspect.

PC version: 1 of 5 - A horrid rush job with ABYSMAL optimization, no resolution options, and no keyboard support. The fact that this was released in this state is so typical of modern Konami and I’m so very scared for the Snake Eater Remake. Modders will definitely make this the definitive version of the games in time, but do not buy this game as is at full price; if you have to pick one buy one of the console versions.

As a PC-only gamer and someone who wanted to play MGS 3, this port is a blessing 🙏 Had some slowdown at the beginning but it runs smoothly after that.

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