Reviews from

in the past

probably the best controls out of any mgs game i played. when it came out i spent like a month working on some forums where we were hacking the file formats and i replaced the main character with quiet but she had like a rocket launcher stuck in her chest because it wasnt sticking the gun in her hand properly or something it was weird.

I am sure that I made a mistake by playing this without having played any other metal gear solid game except peace walker, but who cares, gunning down soviets is fun and Kojima is a fucking genius for using The Man Who Sold The World on the intro

Gameplay was fuckin phenomenal, complete dopamine farm at its best. The story was awkwardly paced and didn't end in a satisfying way. Despite that, still a 4 1/2 at its best

> ganhe um audio de um cara se cagando
> se esconda no banheiro
> toque o audio do cara se cagando
> todo mundo fica com medo de olhar o seu banheiro

é o goat ntj (a segunda parte do jogo ser praticamente só repetição da primeira prejudica bastante o jogo)

Okay last entry in the Metal Gear Survive doesn't exist

Thanks to Konami a game that contains that kind of gameplay and stealth options got made worse by terrible story, weak written characters and one of the worst ending you will see

even with a weaker story, this is probably the best stealth and open world game ive ever played . I would kiss Miller on the lips

Best tps of all time. While the story is a bit of a mess I still quite enjoy it and it's filled with wonderfully directed cutscenes and fantastic voice acting. Replay ability is through the roof. And of course Venom Snake is literally me.

As far as gameplay, one of my favorite games of all time. The story having been cut off and left unsatisfying is one of the greatest tragedies that video games as an art form has ever known.

not letting kojima cook is the most unforgivable sin of our lifetimes

one of the best stealth games ever made

i don't like kojima, and i don't like metal gear, so i love this game

One of the only games I'd be willing to give five stars to without being sure if I'll ever finish it. The game systems in this are soooo good, there are tons of approaches to anything and you can get quite creative. Kind of wish it had less Hideo-isms and had less weird shit going on, but the gameplay is just that good.

Quiet only exists for Kojima to overcompensate for all the homoeroticism in the past 4 games.

Best, most open ended stealth sandbox you can get.

Somehow the best and worst game in the series at the same time

getting S rank on every mission for 100% is somehow infinitely easier to stomach than getting every desert animal for 100%

An amazing masterpiece and yet at the same time a big dissapointment. The game has such an amazing sandbox but what it severely lacks is the focused maps of the older mgs games. What i wouldn't do for an actual mission dlc for this game...

happy pride month to kaz and venom snake

La historia y narrativa dejan mucho que desear, pero en cuanto a gameplay este juego es el peak de la saga

Still a lot of fun but the story is so clearly a downgrade from the rest of the series. There's a lot of interesting ideas pointed at but the protagonist being such a non-entity (which could have been great) brings it all down. What's left feels like a weaker version of Peace Walker.


Deceptive marketing causes me to be bitter about the story even now. The open worlds themselves are kinda barren, but outside of that it is probably the best stealth/third person shooter I have ever played.

que coño es esto kojima

y donde está david odyador

This review contains spoilers

I’m not really equipped to comment on the story of MGSV, as this is my first MGS game.
But I think the divisiveness of the story just comes from people not getting what they wanted, closure, a boss battle with Solid Snake, and I think that’s pretty fitting because it makes us feel like Venom Snake, he doesn’t get what he wants either.

There’s a real mystique to this game and so much open for interpretation.

This game makes me very excited to go back and enjoy the series. I love the juxtaposition of realistic, serious military gameplay with campy, silly, over-the-top, fantasy elements. It also has shocking horror moments.

Gameplay-wise: It is fantastic. Venom’s movements are hyper-polished, disciplined and solely player-influenced. Without our input, he sits depressed on the helicopter’s edge completely still, he lies prone in the field completely motionless. It all really sells him as a super-soldier.

The war-torn environment is immersive and looks great for 2015 (even somewhat 2024) standards. Vehicles feel like they have weight to them, and weapons are appropriately powered.
The semi-open world adds so much freedom to how you can approach an enemy stronghold or outpost. I really enjoy scoping the area and taking my time quietly, but also often end up shooting my way through.
Your arsenal is very expansive.

The idroid base management systems, and levelling up your gear, are all addictive. Coinciding with that is the goofy Fulton system, which has me capturing knocked out enemies like Pokémon for Mother Base.
I don’t love the mobile-game-inspired real world time-locks on later gear upgrades, but I suppose they do keep you from unlocking everything without a second thought.

While I didn’t think they were ideal, once you’re feeling invested, the cassette tapes provide much-needed dialogue and exposition during otherwise silent missions.
They also make you feel like a militia leader sorting through important files. And jumping around between them reflects Venom’s fractured and unreliable memory.

I just think this is a fantastically polished game. I suppose that one gripe with it is that while the gameplay loop was impeccable, the mission objectives got stale eventually. Boss, today you’re going to this country to capture / kill this general. Repeat. You and your allies at Mother Base are kind of just working, accepting contracts and committing sanctioned war crimes for a lot of the game.

Despite that, the game is simply a masterclass of the stealth and action genres, and I can’t wait to dive into the series.

j'étais trop petit j'ai jamais rien compris

not bad not good, this game had the potential to be the best metal gear game. the gameplay is top tier so ill give it a higher rating but the story? the mission based system? i dont like any of that. gimme back the good old metal gear