Reviews from

in the past

one of the weaker stories in the series but the gameplay has never been better the gameplay is very creative and fun you can do so much in this sandbox

A fever dream of incredibly conceptual oddities and a new high water mark for gameplay.

Letting you progress the story through overheard dialogue and collected audio tapes may be challenging but it works. The open-world map without a doubt provides the richest stealth mechanics we've ever seen. Had this just a little more time to iron out the roughness, we'd be calling it the definitive Metal Gear Solid experience.

pretendo zerar esse jogo, tentar jogar ele dnv
quero desbloquear tudo e TALVEZ platinar

Some of the most fun and innovative gameplay I've seen in years. This is my first entry into the Metal Gear series, and while I didn't understand much of the story, I enjoyed it thoroughly. The missions can get a little repetitive, but the fun gameplay more than makes up for it. Metal Gear just gained a new fan.

You'll never find stealth gameplay better than MGSV. Granted, it does take a bit of drive to complete the not-so-great second half of the game, otherwise, an instant classic.

The title for a game was never more appropriate, The Phantom Pain is massive, it lets you approach it in so many ways you will want to try every mechanic.
Despite that the game is unfinished.
It gives you closure to some questions that were left unanswered from the previous titles, but leaves you wanting more because what should be there is just missing.
Many discredit this game, they wanted Snake's last hurrah, a game driven by his endless charisma, but Venom is not like that.
He's quiet, almost too quiet, but also a man capable of great empathy who cares far more for those around him than he lets on, and struggles with the same Phantom Pain as the player.

This was my first and only metal gear solid game and it was fun

La historia está muy mal contada porque como no te escuches los 50 casetes no te enteras, el villano del juego es superfluo y sin personalidad alguna y Quiet es un personaje horrible cuya finalidad es estar sexualizado. Hay realmente 8 misiones que merecen la pena, el resto es mata a este, recoge lo otro o destruye aquello, por lo que podrían ser perfectamente secundarias. Lo único que se salva de este juego es el sistema de progreso y la jugabilidad, que a mi parecer están muy bien diseñados. En general me ha gustado.

Good game but I felt it got too repetitive after a while, maybe it's my playstyle that has no versatility but still. Gameplay was great but missions felt the same (a problem when the game got like 40 of them 💀). The story wasn't all that but it did pick up towards the end. Overall, it was aight

At first i didn't like this metal gear then after playing the others then playing this one i absolutely loved it to start to finish but the sad fact that the real ending its was not finished and we will never get it (even tho there is a youtube video about it) but i suggest to play it!

I actually like it so far

first 50 hours of the game are some of the best gameplay the video game world can offer, everything after that is incredibly banal and rehashed to oblivion. somehow still a masterpiece, though

Perhaps the artistic work that is the closest to being the spiritual successor to John Ford’s The Searchers. Instead of Wayne’s machismo and madness (the latter being given to Kaz), Venom (as deeply pathetic seeing that he’s a loser that vapes all day long) is a confused, misplaced cowboy who ambles around unsure of what the fuck he’s actually doing as he is left mute by the labyrinth of lies while also expanding his military empire and brainwashing people. Instead of miscegenation, you get the War On Terror and hegemonic languages. A deeply sad game of pathetic men who are attempting to convince themselves that they can get closure when in reality they are trapped in an eternal proxy war and are resigned to damnation. An absolute masterpiece.

Meu contato com Metal Gear é recente, o primeiro jogo da franquia que joguei foi Metal Gear (MSX) no ano passado, mas desde então, essa franquia só vem crescendo no meu coração cada vez mais.
Eu vi muita gente falando que MGSV não é bom, mas para mim, foi uma experiência maravilhosa.
A gameplay é o ápice da franquia, é incrivelmente fluida e dá uma liberdade enorme para você fazer as missões da forma que preferir, os parceiros foram uma ótima adição, cada um com sua utilidade para os diferentes tipos de missões, que deixam tudo mais dinâmico e divertido.
Tem também o gerenciamento de base que é bem interessante, tendo até uma parte na história que você precisa gerenciar algumas pessoas ou todos da Mother Base podem acabar pegando uma doença e morrerem.
A história é divida em duas partes (que pelo visto seriam 3, mas a Konami queria apressar o passo), a primeira parte tem uma trama bem interessante que envolve vingança, já a segunda parte é menos focada em história e tem muitas das missões anteriores com modos mais difíceis. Porém, as partes que continuam a história são muito fodas, principalmente a missão dos parasitas, a da Quiet e a "The Man Who Sold The World", e o jogo tem um baita plot twist no final que vai te deixar puto com o Big Boss ou bem confuso.
Enfim, eu não esperava que eu fosse curtir tanto esse game, mas acabou sendo uma das melhores experiências que tive esse ano, ABSOLUTE VIDEO GAME!!

Acorde e lute, a mother base precisa de você.

I don't know if I like this game or not. I understand the rough development it has but I just don't like the mission structure and the unpredictable nature it had. I could choose a mission but it would just randomly throw me into a different one. Stuff like that would happen all the time. But the combat feels amazing it's why I stuck with it the whole time.
Story is honestly just ok. Nothing to grand and nothing to bad. Honestly I hope they don't make another one.

Apesar da incrível jogabilidade, com o melhor sistema de combate e stealth da série, falta história devido ao conflito entre Kojima e Konami. Nada é mais frustrante do que um jogo incompleto, contudo, como passatempo, é excelente. Mas, considerando a história como elemento central de MGS, é decepcionante.

Metal gear works amazingly well as an open world sandbox thing.

sniper peituda🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

Soundtrack makes me hard, gameplay makes me harder

Hideo Kojima and Fuck konami

gameplay : 10/10
story: ?/10
snake: 100000000/10

Best controls in the Metal Gear Solid series.