Reviews from

in the past

Not for me but I get it. Grinding number go up feel good

Did not finish bc the mushroom in the second quest wont load for me

وائل يحب يسبقنا للوحش

The little brother of world with more focus on the combat rather than the hunting and immersion. Overall it’s a more arcadey experience which is very rewarding at some points but world is just this but better.

One of the greatest examples of a "comfort food" game for me. Despite having put almost 300 hours in on Switch, doing a PC playthrough with friends made the experience unbelievably fun all over again. Can't wait to relive the masterpiece that is Sunbreak next.

I am a hammer only player that has played this game with friends 3 times on every console it has released on, it’s a fantastic game and my favorite monster hunter to date with high hopes that Wilds will be even better and become my favorite. I have nothing invested in the village quest lines but from a multiplayer/hub perspective I have/can/will play this game all night whenever I am asked. It’s arcade style is fun and easily digestible while being replayable in the monster hunter style I have come to respect after a decade of playing this series.

That was the base game. With the addition of Sunbreak it just continued to get better with more skills, monsters, locations and armors to a point where it has dethroned World and became my favorite monster hunter…and I don’t even use the dogs which were the best addition to this already great game. I see no reason to not try this game especially with the price cuts commonly given to the game.

Prontamente lo retomaremos el Tenya y yo :P Espero que se pueda unir algún camarada más a la cacería de monstruos :v

why the fuck was this a switch exclusive on launch

Completed the base campaign (1.0). Very good game. Super addicting due to its endless gameplay loop that never really gets old. It does have some issues like the grind for weapons and having to seek out bugs to upgrade your health, but these are pretty minor. It’s a great game, nothing too crazy, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

A friend described that Monster Hunter is the action genre in its purest form. That statement couldn't be more factual. Taking down creative and powerful creatures with your friends, surrounded by amazing environments, NPCs and music is extremely entertaining. Fuck Khezu though.

I had been wanting to get into the monster hunter games for a while, hearing a lot about iconic bosses from MH: World and such; so I was excited about going into Rise as my first monster hunter game.

I started playing it together with a friend and we completed a dozen or so missions in co-op, but all we found was boring and repetitive content. The movement and combat feels super clunky, with bosses that have too much HP that it just becomes a drag. The first hunt is a little fun but after that it's the same thing over and over again. We didn't find the fights to be fun at all, it's just pushing 1 button for 30 minutes with the occaisional skill until it dies and then go do the same thing to the next monster.
Though there are some interesting weapons in the game like the gunlace which I enjoyed using more; that made it feel a bit more engaging than a clicking simulator.

Apologies to all the monster hunter fans out there, but it doesn't seem like this game is for me.

Very fun, but a different kind of fun than other monster hunters

I'm finally starting to get it... arigato capcom...

The super fast flashy combat, and the choice of artstyle makes this game unique. Even though I didn't enjoy it as much as World, Rise is still a great game.

Juegazo para ser un otaku con tus amigos

Só fiz as quests da vila pra falar que zerei, fiquei de saco cheio do jogo com umas cinco quests.

To date this is my favorite MH experience, the fact that almost all the boring tedium of running to the bosses is removed helps a ton. I can still enjoy the environments if I want to but if I also just wanna get to it and fight I can.

I love the bug system and how it makes the combat feel more fast paced and aggressive, and i also feel like it rewards certain playstyles that I gravitate towards.

Not the biggest fan of the quick movement but it's fun, and music is pretty good ~ Hope the next one is better haha XD

not as good as world but its fun

ciertamente pasar de practicamente montar en contadas veces a bichos en el world porque con el martillo tenias que estar en ciertas zonas como elevaciones y cuestas para deslizarse y hacer ataques de monta a hacerlo todo el rato porque hace L2 + triangulo es la mierda mas free del planeta (aparte de tener un parry), da un gusto que te cagas

its okay but theres no cute clothes for me to grind for so i dont feel like playing

this game is awesome with mods but probably one of the worst vanilla experiences ever

foi o primeiro monster hunter que joguei pra valer, vou dizer que zerar essa porra não é pra qualquer um, tu tem que gostar do jogo pra zerar kk

tem muita coisa que se repete e a dificuldade escala MUITO, provavelmente tu vai parar por motivos do jogo ser extenso, e como eu disse repetitivo.

tirando os pontos que citei, é um bom jogo pra se jogar ouvindo podcast ou vendo algum vídeo, o jogo em geral é bom e bem feitinho.

Cuidado com o Rajang

Monster Hunter Rise is as solid as ore, albeit as dry the Sandy Plains as the base launch of World was. However, it makes up for it in the post-launch support, as all of these games do. Props to Capcom Division 3 for the foundation they've laid for the series and improved on.

Kamura's Feudal Architecture, the cobble-stone paving, the colorful Sashimono banners all add to the overall aesthetic of the game, one that's greatly appreciated and pits one to one with Pokke Village as a favorite. This home-yness incremented by the still one-dimensional but not as vapid cast as the last game cast of this game, and the two 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝓈 Hinoa and Minoto being best gals, fite me. All of it lends toward the best mood and art direction in the series, beating out the rather bland, at least in my opinion, I know I know jalapeño popper take, jurassic direction of World that MH7 (not 6, fuck y’all, Rise is 6!) will also have.

So too are the maps teaming with life thrice over, of all trophic levels. Life that gives to an ecology that feels alive, even if it isn’t truly alive. All beset with that life not just being set-dressing, but aiding/ailing in moment to moment gameplay. Stone Lizards that drop Spheres, stat boosting Spiri-birds, Great Izuchi calling on a pack of Smaller Izuchi to gank you dank swords style, or Icy Tundras where you'll face upon Lagombi who'll lead you into a pit infested with those STINGY BASTARDS... gripe aside.

Herein, you're to be fixated on the staple gameplay loop of Monster Hunter that you either couldn't get into or never got tired of, no in-between; slaying monsters and accruing all manner of pelts, fangs, horns, or other bodily features via an actually well balanced RNG Loot system that's woven with an upgrade system that's divided by armor sphere spending and deck allotting, usually to three slots per armor variant max all available at the smithy after certain HR levels are reached, all while new Silkbind moves for your weapon of choice open, camp grounds from previous expeditions are opened, you deck your buddies out with the same set as you or a different set hey maybe you're into fashion hunter, no knock against ya, and they push you along to grind s'more.

Oh right Silkbinds, so it's a faux hunter art system where you get one or two special moves depending on what class you're into, which changes up gameplay lots and adds more depth and breadth to a game that already has it in spades. As an Insect Glaive main I really like that I get to do a spinny move that finally looks different than the spinny move I've been accustomed to since the damn thing was introduced in 4, I was stuck with Tetra-seal for a while and the range sucks but Diving Wyvern is a fucking GODSEND, AAAAND the Kinsect recall that nets you two buffs instead of one kind of broke the game in a really good way for me. Can’t speak for mains of other weapons as each one has a meta and I only dabbled in such stuff like the Hunting Horn and heard from long-time mains that it got downgraded, but point is the game has sooooooooooo much player choice it's insane

As an Impromptu bookend to this review since I'm a bad writer and don't know how to review games, the game has soooooooooo much player choice it's insane… But no really, try Monster Hunter Rise. It’s never been a better time to get into the franchise, which is coming from a vet that started at Tri on the Wii back in the olden days. With such a polished, streamlined, and fun game that honors the series legacy, it's a hardy ass recommendation from me, a nobody on the internet. Buy the game basically, it's really good, and it applies to every monster hunter game ever too, this is a review of every game in the series if you look at it that way. Grab three buddies and go slay a Rathalos or something. Thanks for reading if and when you do or did.