Reviews from

in the past

I've given my thoughts on each game in the trilogy already so I guess I'll review this on its merits as a collection. I have to say I'm not a huge fan of how the sprites look, the colours look kinda muddy to me and I vastly prefer how clean the DS sprites look. Apollo Justice HD did a much better job of revamping the DS sprites imo. Aside from that this is a great collection with a ton of quality of life improvements. It also makes these games a lot more accessible which is always a great thing. If I ever want to replay a case in AA this is probably how I will play it since being able to choose any case from any game is so convenient.

Its one of those games where you wish you would forget everything just to go through the experience again

adrian andrews if you're reading this i am free on thursday night and would like to hang out please respond to this and then hang out with me on thursday night when i'm free

Taking the entire package as a whole, one of the best stories you could ever experience. Rewrite Big Top, because yeah it is technically important for building tension in JFA, and you have a perfect visual novel.

1. Justice for All (★★★★)
2. Ace Attorney (★★★★)

TBA Trials and Tribulations

never played one of these before and hey, it's pretty good! my only real criticisms are that it often takes a while for phoenix and co to get to a place in their deductions you've already arrived at an hour earlier, and every time mia appears in maya's body i get stuck wondering whether the boobs are diegetic

Some really great, series-defining cases - mixed in with the slog of some of the worst cases in the franchise

Superb storytelling and seriously cool plot-twists that almost made me fall out of my chair at times. As I played through each case, every now and then I would wonder to myself "man, it'd be sick if one case did this" and at some point it would do that thing and blow me outta the water.

Some dud cases bring it down a little bit, but it's a banger of a trilogy through and through.

As always, this game made me feel... "unnecessary feelings..."

Playing this trilogy is like watching good old cartoon on TV.
I wish it was my childhood game.

Queria que isso fosse mais conhecido no Brasil, underrated af.
Menção honrosa à Jacutem Sabão pela tradução incrível desse jogo.

The original trilogy are still the best PWAA games - not every single case is a winner (the JFA cases are especially shaky with the major exception of 2-4) - but the overarching plot is extremely compelling, and reaching the end was an emotional experience that I haven't had with many other games.

Quality fluctuates between the various cases but on the whole they're great with a fun cast of characters.

trop trop bien, concept original, le jeu est drole, bons persos, bons scénarios, y'a rien à dire
juste pas fan de la trad fr qui change les noms des persos parce que du coup après tu comprends rien si tu vois des gens parler du jeu en anglais
mais en tout cas c'est grave un des meilleurs jeux solos que j'ai fais aux côtés de y0, smt nocturne, et p4/5

finally finishing the entire series bc aai is coming in september we are so backkkkkkk

A collection of three of the most inventive, stunning, and impactful video games of the last 25 years. This is how I was first exposed to the Ace Attorney series, so I naturally have an intense soft spot in my heart for this collection. Probably the most invested I have ever been in a video game.

A great collection of games, I started the first game a few years ago, and paused it before I finished case 4

I love the simplicity of the first game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and how it introduces you to its characters and world. I always wanted to examine everything just to see what Maya would say (she's my favorite character in this game, and probably the whole original trilogy). There's not much of an overarching story but seeing how the relationship between Phoenix and Edgeworth develops was compelling. It's not too complex, but I enjoyed finding contradictions, and there are times you have to think outside of the box a bit. I would say Rise from the Ashes is probably my favorite case from the game, DESPITE the Blue Badger, because of some of the investigative elements, and how different it is from the other four cases (I know this is because that case was originally made with the DS in mind).

I like Justice for All, but it's probably at the bottom of the list for me. Some people say the first case is really bad, but I just find it to be whatever since it's supposed to be a tutorial. I really enjoyed the 2nd case as it explores more of the Fey family, and introduces the Psy-Lock mechanic, which incentivizes players more to interact with everything to unlock the truth. There's even less of a story this time around, though the final case helps for Phoenix's character development.

Trials and Tribulations is interesting because it actually tells an overarching story, and you can tell this was meant to be the original end of the series as it ties up the main plot threads since the first game, and gives huge character development to Wright and Maya specifically. There aren't any new gameplay mechanics, but I think the narrative makes up for it.

All three games have a great soundtrack, though I think Justice for All has my favorite overall soundtrack in the trilogy. My favorite Objection theme would be from T&T, and I think I would rate the Pursuit themes equally, though with a slight edge to the first game's Pursuit.

This trilogy of visual novels is amazing, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. I'm grateful I got to finish it only minutes before the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection was announced.

An amazing trilogy. Saw the first game on YT a long time ago and It was a delight to replay after all these years and finally finish the trilogy. Really packed trilogy that serves as a conclusive trilogy to this franchise, although I'd love to play the rest sometime in the future.

Favorite cases:
01. Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4)
02. Bridge To The Turnabout (3-5)
03. Rise From The Ashes (1-5)
04. Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4)
05. Reunion, And Turnabout (2-2)

My favorite characters:
01. Miles Edgeworth
02. Phoenix Wright
03. Mia Fey
04. Franziska Von Karma
05. Godot
06. Maya Fey
07. Adrian Andrews

Yeah unpopular opinion but I like Franziska more than Godot, although both are incredible antagonists.

i mean it has 3 good games what did you expect

lets go gay lawyers i love you godot

3 Games, 13 Cases, and a whole lot of wacky and fun crap going on.

i am the number 1 maya fey stan

Just as fun as when I played the games back on DS. Love this series and the writing. Yet, a bit too wacky at times for me personally; however, like I already said it’s just a good time.

Imported this from Japan, since Capcom refuses physical releases in Europe (booh!).
Amazing trilogy, has aged amazingly well!

O tutorial é incrível e te prende para continuar jogando.
Infelizmente o jogo muitas vezes falha em te causar a sensação que o tutorial proporciona. Muitas vezes opera numa lógica de Adventure onde a tentativa e erro acaba sendo o recurso para encaixar algumas evidências que fazem menos sentido lógico do que outras, ou até mesmo forçam uma barra.

O segundo jogo introduz mecânicas que aprofundam o gameplay e tem um dos melhores arcos da série. Já o terceiro, é
sem dúvidas o mais polido e resgata bastante o sentimento que me fez querer tanto jogar. Ainda assim, conta com a mesma característica já mencionada, mesmo que de forma mais pontual. Ele introduz personagens muito interessantes e amarra muito bem a história dos três jogos, o que pra mim foi uma surpresa muito boa visto que eu não imaginava que a trilogia teria uma história tão interessante e conectada.

Amei os personagens e me diverti demais jogando. Para mim, tanto os diálogos, quanto os personagens, quanto as mecânicas, os casos isolados e a trama principal, todos esses aspectos são muito bem construídos e compõem um jogo muito equilibrado e gostoso de jogar. Fico animado e pretendo jogar a próxima trilogia depois de dar um tempo da série.

This review contains spoilers

PW: Ace Attorney 10/10
An amazing game, where I feel the overarching narrative is present from the very beginning, with each case naturally leading to the next. Even the case added later on was a blast, despite its length. Phoenix and Edgeworth make for an amazing pair, with Edgeworth’s development throughout the cases feeling natural and very interesting to follow. I love this game.

PW: Justice for All 7/10
Quite a step down from the first game, with cases that feel a lot more disconnected. This game might’ve been a 5 or a 6 if it wasn’t for that absolute banger of a final case. I think where the first game is perfect as a whole, this case was perfect as a standalone, not an easy feat. My least favourite out of the trilogy, with one of my very favourite cases at the end.

PW: Trials and Tribulations 8/10
Honestly, quite a consistent and entertaining collection of cases, with the final case of course being the cherry on top. Even so, though I really love how everything comes together in the final case, I think the new characters that got an important role in all of it, (Godot and Dahlia), just weren’t really my cup of tea. (or coffee, in this case.) Godot is kind of an ass until it all comes together in the final case, but I didn’t really feel personally invested in him. Dahlia was a tad mishandled, so even though she made for a great antagonist, the final moment feels more… contradictory than it should. It was supposed to be triumphant, but it felt almost mean-spirited in an odd sense. Edgeworth and Franziska returning on the other hand was a great time, and it was a worthy send-off for the series for sure.

So glad I played these games, and now onto the next trilogy!

Currently playing
will do a real review after finishing it

One of the better visual novel experiences you can get on modern consoles, if you're willing to occasionally put up with some backwards logic puzzles and shenanigans that wouldn't fly on even the weirdest TV courtroom drama.