Reviews from

in the past

Worth playing. It's a decent sequel. It's probably my least favorite in the original hexalogy, but it's still solid.

Liked the story in this less than its predecessor's, puzzles of similar quality.

my first one!!! the one that made me love the series. i still have the ticket sold with the game in my box teehee... made a huge impression on me as a kid with both the artstyle and the music

[69 out of ?? puzzles solved, 11 hours playtime] The awesomeness returns! With more voice acting!

More challenging puzzles than in the last game for sure and interesting plotline too but man they need to chill with those sliding puzzles...

It's an improvement over Curious Village but I still don't like the puzzles.

Very charming with a nice ending. Some transition animations are extremely slow with and some puzzles have moon logic. But there are so many extras and actually clever puzzles that the limitations on the DS don't really bother me.

Not my type of game but a gentleman always compliments the cutscenes.

Estellar game, the whole vibe of Folsene was top tier and Anton looks so cool!

as mecânicas são as mesmas, acho a história levemente melhor que curious village

This was a great entry to the series and I really liked it.

My first Layton game. I think the story was touching, but... I actually don't remember any of it. Puzzles were fun, though some were frustrating.

It's actually called the philosopher's stone box in england

I need you all to understand this has the exact same ending as the From Software game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

اريد ابدا بكتابة ان جزئية القطار كانت مملة جدًا خربت الجو كله و هذا لوحده يخلي هذا الجزء اضعف من الاول في عيني
عندما توصل لمدينة فولسنس تبدأ اللعبة تشع اكثر من الجزء السابق
قتال لايتون بالسيف روعة
و اللغز الاخير لامس قلبي

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box may not be a perfect game in a vacuum but it is perfect for me, and playing it makes me almost perplexingly happy. It was immensely formative for me, and has stuck with me since I played it for the first time at the tender age of 8. When the Professor smiles and points at me and says "every puzzle has an answer" I feel like I'm being physically patted on the head.

Me after bowing into the mic to solve the puzzle: "I broke my boy" any Mike Ermantrout fans? 😁

I wanna bang that professor [2]

fewer terrible puzzles than the first game so that's nice! still too many sliding puzzles and the fuckin endless peg solitaire and chess shit can die forever.

also somehow the plot twist of this game is even harder to believe than the first game?? the layton universe really just does whatever it wants and rolls with it lol

still a fun game. also still pretty rough around the edges

professor layton, as a series, just doesn't appeal to me. there's a couple reasons why, none of which involve the actual puzzles.

the puzzles are generally pretty fun; some are pretty cryptic, sure, but that's kinda just how logic puzzles are sometimes. the puzzles are most definitely the highlight of the series, and in diabolical box, they're quite good. better than curious village, at least.

my problems don't extend to the art or music either. the cutscenes are beautifully animated, characters are expressive, and the orchestral soundtrack adds a mature feeling to much of the game that feels just right.

even the general investigations are pretty solid; walking around town, clicking on evidence and seeing layton/luke's thoughts on the environment, it's endearing. i don't particularly love how the game sometimes becomes a series of fetch quests, but the puzzles along the way break that up nicely, so it's no big deal.

nearly all my problems arise with the story, especially the characters. starting with the plot, diabolical box is not a complex game. the huge mcguffin, this elysian box, remains wholly uninteresting throughout the game. much of the intrigue comes from the towns of dropstone and folsense themselves, both of which hold a sense of intrigue that remains until the twist.

speaking of the twist, it sucks. i won't go into too much detail for the sake of spoilers, but i will say that the foreshadowing was not fleshed out at all. were there hints? sure. does the twist explain how things went down? kind of. does the twist make logical sense? not one bit.

now, now, onto my largest problem with diabolical box (and the professor layton series as a whole): Professor Hershel Layton himself. layton, as a character, is nigh perfect. a perfect gentleman, always knows what to say, deducts mysteries and puzzles without problem (often before the player). oh yeah, he can also hold his own in a swordfight, and is trusted enough by the police to intervene with a murder investigation. sure.

creating a main character whose flaws just don't exist is not a strategy that i think works. professor hershel layton isn't a good character, and that's a problem when you spend the entire damn game in his perspective. it's no fun. layton isn't changed as a character after the game, he's the exact same perfect gentleman the moment you start and the moment you roll credits. i find it infuriating.

i just don't really get the appeal of a visual novel with no character development. sure, other characters develop, but they're characters you couldn't give a shit about; the ending is a heartwarming scene between 2 characters with 2 hours of screen time combined.

i think it's just a personal problem, or i'm missing something major, but i just don't particularly understand the praise this game gets. let me know if i'm just a bumbling idiot.

Lo mismo pero mejor. Pule y mejora de todo lo que ya hacia el 1 con minijuegos mas chulos, mejor interacciones con distincion entre puzles y dialogos y mas cambios QoL. La historia me gusta un poco menos que la del primero pero aun asi está chido.

A grander scope compared to the first game and some fun characters make this a more enjoyable entry in the series compared to the first.

Igual de bueno que el primero, en este tipo de juego encaja perfectamente que se desarrolle una buena parte dentro de un tren, y los puzles son igual de ingeniosos que en el primero.

Might be my favorite entry in the series - mostly because you get to ride a train. Also, I'm an advocate on team "Layton for Smash" just because of the athletics he shows towards the end of this game.

I'm nearly 24 years old I'm a grown ass man and these basic logic and math keep fucking me up like I never evolved past the 3rd grade

Best story of the first trilogy. I remember puzzles being more enjoyable than the previous ones.