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Tinha jogado apenas o RE7 (sim, me julguem), e decidi dar uma chance para RE2 quando vi ele na plus, e que surpresa grata para mim, simplesmente me apaixonei pelo gênero como um todo, planejo jogar o RE1 e o RE3 original.

Me gusto, nada que decir la saga de RE es buena.

Adorei. Ótimo remake. Tenso como deve ser. NOTAA Fiiive

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tht marvel music playing during adas death killed me im sorry

Bem curtinho mas honestamente gostei pra krl da gameplay (volta ada)

So dickridden by the fandom and overhyped. Ambience was mid, story was mid. characters were alright. I really don't understand what people see in this game besides an excuse to swoon over their favourite characters. Absolutely no quality of gameplay. Okay you run around and shoot zombies. Cool, as you do in hundreds of other video games, and that deserves 5 stars? Y'all are braindead with low expectations. I bet most of these 5 stars come from people who didn't even actually play the game to feel how many boring bits it had that makes people drop had it not been for prince charming Leon Kennedy to make you thirsty bitches keep playing.

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Having not played the original version, I had an absolute blast with this one. Mr. X was deadass the most terrifying enemy I ever had to deal with.

Gran remake la verdad, en general es un buen ejemplo de como rehacer un juego manteniendo la sensación original. Sin embargo, la jugabilidad algo "pesada" le resta puntos y los modos extra son bastante innecesarios pero por lo demás bien

Until we leave police station it was 5 star but after leaving it becomes very meh, 2 storyline is a nice concept but I wish they use it more effective

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RE2 fosters a great atmosphere, incredibly spooky sections interesting puzzles and true moments of desperation and fear, however boss fights just feel really janky to me and completely detract from that experience

Que jogo maravilhoso cara, um verdadeiro jogo de terror, tensão do início ao fim, absurdamente difícil, foda.

puzzles suck ass, graphics great, mostly fun although backtracking also sucks

I'm in love with Leon, so I'm sorry if my comments are a bit biased. Very good, at times reactionary and horrible. I played the game on the most normal and hardest settings and I was able to finish it without getting bored. A game that deserves its money and the time given. Capcom does remakes very well.

Eu sempre quis jogar Resident Evil, sempre achei que eu iria gostar muito, mas tinha medo de não conseguir por ser muito assustador ou principalmente por ser muito dificil, mas felizmente eu fui capaz, e eu estava certo, Resident Evil 2 é incrível, e eu amei, esse é certamente um dos melhores jogos já feitos. Esse remake me fez amar a franquia, que agora é uma das minhas favoritas.

One of the absolute best Resident Evil games in the first half!! I think RPD is basically on par with the very best of the survival horror side of Resident Evil games.

Please do not talk to me about the sewers.

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I never played the original game, but this game was amazing!

Almost every aspect of the game was excellent.

Graphics were beautiful

Gameplay was tight.

Voice acting was great.

The story was good, but I do wish the A and B stories intertwined better. You can play as Leon or Claire, but the vast majority of the game is identical with the main differences being who your main antagonist is.

Mr X. is nightmare fuel. He stalks you relentlessly and once he appears, the tension is palpable.

This is such a fun game and features a nice balance between exploration, combat and puzzle solving. Level design is reminiscent of early RE games as backtracking is a big part of the game and several keys will need to be acquired.

All of the characters in this game are memorable. One of the most emotional scenes involves a couple side characters.

2k24 e esse foi meu primeiro Resident Evil que já joguei, não conhecia a história de nenhum RE, a não ser o RE7. Mas esse Resident Evil realmente me prendeu, me fez ter vontade de jogá-lo a todo momento. Os puzzles, o desenvolvimento da história e o apego a alguns personagens são reais durante a gameplay. Dizem que esse RE2 é um dos melhores da franquia; não posso afirmar isso pois conheço apenas dois jogos da franquia.

A única crítica que eu deixo ao game são seus diálogos curtos, muito breves, sem sal e, às vezes, com falas bregas. Apesar disso, indiscutivelmente é um grande jogo!

O melhor jogo do mundo, discordou é fã do Lion da Central.

Приятный ремейк, где улучшили практически все.
Единственный минус - убрали связь между сценариями Леона и Клэр. Поэтому смысл проходить игру 4 раза не появляется.

Good remake, good controls, gameplay much refined compared to the original, mastered graphics, a game that, along with the first, helped a lot to define a genre and an era

É brabo

Review completa no meu twitter

This game is really good... assuming that you're just playing it casually

If you're like me going for a 100% completion/platinum trophy it's fun for maybe the first 3 playthroughs... and then you'll probably have at least 2 more

By the time I was on my 3rd run realizing I was exploring the same areas and doing the same puzzles and fighting the same monsters in the same places for several more playthroughs I started to get a little annoyed

When evaluating Resident Evil 2, many would point towards its intricate use of maps, puzzles, and general item distribution as things pushing it forward.
They work together like a well-oiled "tension machine," ever so slightly suffocating, fueling its dreadful survivalist horror to great effect.
It's brilliant game design, really.

Although today that is not my focus.

While I'm most certainly just another joe, a part of many, today I want to highlight what I think to be the unsung hero of Capcom's legendary remake:
You see, when I first experienced the game the thing that stuck out the most (and unsurprisingly the thing that I still ponder to this day) was not necessarily what makes the game—well— a game, but what doesn't.
Resident Evil 2 captured me by way of expertly crafting a story that was engaging, and by way of it, emotionally resounding.
I feared and I cowered; but I also smiled and I cheered.
It broke my heart, as well as made it nearly stop.
From extreme highs to extreme lows, Capcom's arguably best work to date is not only scary— it's a good narrative.
Because you can't care if you aren't immersed, and you can't immerse yourself if it doesn't seem real.
If your characters don't seem human, I stop caring and things stop mattering, so it all just falls apart.

I come back to where I began.
When evaluating Resident Evil 2, I place my attention onto the fact that a game full of zombies has a cast of characters so alive; and it makes me feel for each one of them.