Reviews from

in the past

this was peak paper mario be real

remake this game so i can remember why this wasnt 5 stars

They changed the formula, but the writing remained the same and the game was still a masterpiece

Fun and creative, but where did the combat go?

i still remember when people hated this game for years and years bc it wasnt TTYD... well III liked it!! i liked it bc i had it and didnt have TTYD and guess what!! it was a good game this whole time anyway!!! you guys are just haters!!

one of my favorite wii games that i had but never got to finish it

I need Bleck and Timpani happy forever

"its different" fuck you its good, best ost, best story, possibly best characters, it slaps, all it needed was better level design in some chapters, but i still love it, ending still gets me emotional to this day

"B-But the turn-based gameplay is gone!"" You don't know how much a boon that is for me. You guys are allowed to love the first two battle systems, but for me, this, alongside the best story ever told in a Mario game, is good.

Also, for anyone who wants to skip through 2-3, the code is always the same and you can get the pixl right away for repeat playthroughs.

Wonderful story but the gameplay isn't my cup of tea

I played this game as a kid and I remember enjoying it and this is the first time I've played it in probably 12 years.

This game probably has the single best story in any mario game ever, it's unironically a very touching love story with a lot to say. The individual stories in each of the levels are also very unique and interesting. Like the neckbeard nerd level and the one where Mario DIES AND GOES TO ACTUAL HELL.

The gameplay is honestly nothing that crazy, just a basic 2D platformer with some light RPG mechanics. Like leveling up, using items, switching party members and whatnot. There's also an interesting flipping mechanic which let's you explore the levels in 3D. I enjoyed that mechanic overall and thought it was used in some interesting ways throughout the game. The gameplay isn't that innovative or anything but I thought it was fun enough.

One of my favorite aspects of the game was exploring the hub world, Flipside, and it's counterpart Flopside. They have to much to explore and it's really satisfying to see it open up whenever you get new abilities.

The characters in this game are also really unique and memorable. Obviously all of the villains are awesome and have really cool designs for a mario game. All of the characters kind of have abstract designs which is interesting for a mario game and gives it its own visual identity from the rest of the series. This game kinda looks like a computer, with the mouse cousor selecting your character when you flip and what not, I dunno I like that stuff.

I ended up liking this game so much that I pretty much 100%ed it. Went out of my way to do all of the side content, all of the treasure maps, all of the optional Pixls, doing both of the pits. I actually did the Flopside pit as early as possible so I played through like half the game with double damage and infinite flip meter lmao.

One of the worst parts of this game is that back tracking through levels you've already played is annoying, BUT it's all optional so you can skip all of that if you want. The limited 3D meter is also annoying and completely unnecessary. There are some puzzles that are completely retarded too like the block puzzle in Chapter 5.
Having to beat the Flopside pit TWICE is stupid but it's also really funny so I give it a pass.

I thought this games soundtrack was a lot better than TTYD's soundtrack too. A lot more memorable tunes.

I dunno I just absolutely loved this game and it's probably the peak of Paper Mario, ITS ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE LOL.

It's not a bad game, but don't go in expecting it to be anything like the ones that came before it. They took great mechanics and threw them away.

Turn based combat? Not a chance. Badges? Who needs 'em.

That being said, once you get past the realization that it's not going to be as good of a game, the narrative is still humorous, and it is still a true Paper Mario game. I was just disappointed.

narrative and OST are firing on all cylinders, counteracted by gameplay that feels lacking.

not necessarily a great game but a great experience.

From fighting incels, facing inferiority complex, being a slave, getting sent to hell, visiting a Wawa, and many such cases. This game has it all

Ever wanted to play a PEAK Paper Mario game but, for some reason, don't want to deal with the 2 previous turn-based RPGs? Well, I've got you covered...

Imagine not liking Super Paper Mario

This is probably the first game i left on while I went to sleep. Despite being drastically different from the other Paper Mario games, it has an amazing story with twists and turns that amp up the stakes.

Just barely a 5 star, but man the story is too good not to love it. I wish the gameplay was a little better, just most notably battles and difficulty. Still one of my all time favorites.

Not only its one of the worst 2d marios but its also one of the worst paper mar- ok thats not really saying much.

The only mario game that makes me believe in the unstoppable power of love

It's funny that this game's theme is love. When I decided to revisit this game, I was thinking about the whole concept (not gettng into it here), but I think it was almost a fun coincidence that I had a hankering to play it during that moment of contemplation. Love isn't the whole plot of the game, of course. The tragic heterosexuals are only a piece of the game's puzzle (just like me for real, wow. I can't believe they made Mario relatable). It didn't matter though. I got the chance to remember why I liked this game again.

I admit, some of the events in the game are ones people won't enjoy. However, as an Earthbound enjoyer, you can all go away. This type of stuff is made a lot easier because I know the game well enough to try and recall the passcodes. I know I said this in my other review, but it bears repeating. I won't be mad at you if you look one or two of them up, but don't play the game with a guide.

The story is still just as perfect as I remember. It's off-brand, weird, and really perfect in its own way. Every chapter, from Lineland to Castle's just perfect. You can look me right in my eye and tell me the flaws with them and I will look right back at you and just ask you where your fun went. Do I wish some things were different in the game? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. I don't care. Nostalgia has blinded me and I have accepted this.

It bums me out a little that this game isn't given as much credit as it really deserves. I understand to a degree why people don't like it as much as TTYD (even if, at the time of writing this, I have not beaten TTYD), but it feels wrong that Super isn't considered a true Paper Mario entry by some. I will concede that it isn't an RPG, but it's absolutely more of a Paper Mario to me than some of the later entries (and I LIKED the later entries).

I've mentioned before that I don't want this game to be remade. That still holds true. However, I have changed my thoughts on taking a page from this book of prophecy. I think if the new team wanted to make this game into a traditional RPG like how TTYD and 64 were while keeping the identity of this game intact, I would love to see them try. After all, I think people deserve to give this a shot in any form. I genuinely can't express how much I really love this game. Even if I play this one again by myself, I'll enjoy it.

Definitely not as good as their predecessors, Super Paper Mario is still a very good game in its own right. My only real gripe with the game is how uninspired the buddies are, they're all just floating and colorless. The story and characters on the other hand make up for the buddy problem. Along with the locations being very nice too.

amazing game one of my favourites of all time