Reviews from

in the past

Playing this as a kid with no knowledge of the earlier games may influence my opinion, but this game is fantastic. Even now, all of the elements come together perfectly and encapsulate an era of Nintendo that unfortunately seems to be missing nowadays.

Though the execution was less than perfect with even its own main gimmick being pushed to the wayside pretty early, Super Paper Mario still captures the charm of the series while creating an interesting blend of platforming and RPG elements. If you're looking for the same vibe, play Wuppo.

Super Paper Mario fundamentally does not work for me on a conceptual level. On paper (heh) I should love it, I love Paper Mario, and I love Mario platformers, but combining them does absolutely nothing to benefit either genre.

Paper Mario is a fun turn based RPG, Super Mario is a tightly designed platformer, and when you put them together you end up with a watered down RPG with bland and basic platforming. The worst of both worlds.

This game fucking traumatized me as kid with that damn merlee’s mansion 1 million ruby level holy fuck. I was stuck on this particular part for 2 entire years (I was too young and didn’t know at the time that I could just cheat and search up the code to unlock the one door but after 2 damn years I finally figured out I could do that). Overall I found this game to be really challenging as a kid but I did have some good moments with it. I always loved playing the second door of this game. Definitely not the best game in the paper mario series but it’s still a great game.

Delightful adventure with a surprisingly involved (and very good!) story.

Each of the first 3 Paper Mario games ends up delivering a very different experience, but all three of them truly bang

I loved this one, but, tbh it might be because it was my first Paper Mario.

Funniest RPG I've ever played, there's an abundance of charm here and the characters are superb

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Some of the worst 2D platforming and level design in any game period, but god damn the plot and music will keep you hooked until the end. Sucks that the guy who wrote the story for this game was "taken care of", whatever that means, by Nintendo's Lethal Injection Department.

We all remember the cool moments, because they're so cool that you forget how lame the rest of this game is:

Mario goes to hell before he dies? Remember how you had to do the boring Underwhere staircase two times, because you need to return a book? Remember the fucking Overthere apple level?
Slave labor and spooky spider woman? Remember the genius game design decision to make you run in a hamster wheel for actual 15 real life minutes with nothing interesting happening?
The final boss? Remember how he literally dies in 3 seconds so you had to pretend to struggle a bit so you could hear more of "The Ultimate Show"? (We all did this, don't lie).

Still good enough for baby me to finish this game 4 times, and I recommend people to play this game just because of how memorable the really good parts of this game are.

No one I knew who owned this was able to beat it as kids. Level design must of been sloppy.

One of the most underrated wii games of all time.

Never finished world 8 until 2020, but this was a fun one, not my fav in the series tho. The Dialogue was on point.

Best story in any Mario game ever I will die on that hill but yeah the gameplay is a little clunky

I don't know when I got this game, but I do know that I never got very far in it when I was a kid. During a section with a certain spider-like boss, I put down my controller out of fear. When I matured, I picked it back up to replay the game, and I discovered one of my favorite stories in all of video games. It's hard to explain why I like this game. The gameplay can be very tedious at times, which was likely padding. Certain parts of the game genuinely feel like what you have to do is so ridiculous that there's no way this is how you progress, but alas, it is. The average gameplay isn't very memorable, but it's alright. If there was no story, I'd probably give this game 2 stars tops, but the gameplay isn't why I love this game. It's the story. Spectacular. Something about the mediocre gameplay actually elevates the story to me, and I honestly don't know why. There are many things about this game that I believe could be improved, but I don't want them to be. It's one of those games that I don't like despite its flaws, I like it because of its flaws.

Favorite paper mario game to be honest, maybe it's it being my first one taking over me but I love it a lot. I really enjoy the soundtrack, characters, and overall gameplay.

i played this game as a child and never finished it but i liked this from what i remember. that spider girl is also ingrained in my subconscious

God I love this game. So different from the first two paper Mario's and yet it still pulls it off in its own way. The game has such a weird vibe it is so hard to explain it. It's one of my favorite childhood games and I'm super nostalgic for it.

people are half n half about this game. as someone who fucking loved the thousand year door, i can say this is pretty damn good. it's shorter, which fits the gameplay style of it being more a traditional 2d platformer (with a 3D TWIST!!!). the story is magnificent, and the characters are written in a similar way, still dark humor and same level of witty. the ending almost made me cry, which ttyd didn't do. however, this receives a star off difference due to the gameplay not being as engaging, especially with the battle system.

Personally, I think this style of game suits Paper Mario more than turned-based...

Sometimes I forget this is a real game that was actually released by Nintendo and is Canon to the mario series. Every non-mario character in this feels like a fan made oc, and I mean that in the best way possible.

This game does not feel real, its story is surprisingly dark, and the jokes push the envolope of a E rated game multiple times.
All I really can say is the damn paper game brings me to tears.

I beat this game as a kid and its story is amazing. It made me cry when I replayed it.

Ahora que lo rejugue, porque no rejuego esto desde que no estoy en venezuela (ya 12 años sin volver a tocarlo, manda huevos), y viendo la evolucion de lo que vino despues, haber jugado lo que vino antes, y ver la opinion general a lo largo de mas de una decada si esta mejoraba o empeoraba por curiosidad, y siendo que ya habia jugado todos los paper rpg (almenos hasta stiker stars), pues quize volver a jugar el primer peper mario que toque en mi vida (en mi infancia era mas de los mario and luigi), aun me acuerdo de cuando lo vi en una tienda de juegos por 2008 en unos televisores en una lugar de videojuegos de un centro comercial en caracas en uno de esos viejos televisores de tubo, y fue de los ultimos que tuve en fisico en dicha consola, asi que fue mi regalo de navidad de dicho año, y le recuerdo haber metido mucho.

Bien, pues despues de volver a jugarlo, pues la verdad ¡Me sigue gustando! la cosa es que en su momento no sabia la opinion de la gente, eso lo averigue como por 2012 con la salia de stikers (el cual me aburrio) viendo que la gente preferia los rpg por turnos antiguos, pero no solian hablar de este mucho, algunos lo catalogan como infravalorado, otros como la decadencia de la sub saga, etc.

En si, la verdad, lo unico que puedo entender de gente que le decepciono este juego, es por dos motivos, 1, entiendo que si cambian de rpg por turnos asi de la nada a un plataformas rpg con puzzles, esperaces algo que no te dieron, pero no quiere decir que sea negativo, en cambio 2, y diria que lo peor del juego, es que los compañeros son tan genericos y basicos, que solo son objetos de uso, nisiquiera tienen relevancia mas haya de eso, siendo que en los anteriores eran relevante y tenian sus arcos, aqui no, no dicen mas nada que cuando se presentan, haciendolo muy decepcionante, y bueno, el desafio opcional de las 100 masmorras en mucho mas aburrido que en el anterior juego, siendo que hay dos, la de la villa normal y la otra.

Dejando eso, pues mecanicamente me parece muy llamativo y vistoso, con carisma y ideas muy bien llevadas (de hecho me parece el paper com mejor ritmo de todos) con enemigos de diferentes tacticas y herramientas para hacer el combate a tu gusto, asi como los demas personajes jugables. Y los niveles estan bastante bien en tematicas, diseño, etc, asi como que jugar con la perspectiva me parecio una idea muy acertada con el conceptos. En el resto, pues como las otras historias de los rpg de mario de los 2000, historias intersantes con el personaje y tematica para un personaje del estilo, con carisma y humor visual y de dialogos, pero no es la mejor historia contada, es un juego pensado para niños de entre 7-12 años, pero dentro de lo que hace, salvo lo de los pixelitos, esta bastante bien.

If you can separate it from the previous instalments and the "innovation" that came after, challenging as that may be, there is hell of a lot to love in this game. It quite easily has any Mario game's most ambitious story and characters. There's TONS of content, for better or for worse. I fully understand the criticism but will never side with it.

Great game, gets flak because it was the first game that started deviating from the original RPG design but it's still worth playing.

there's just never gonna be a mario game like this one and it makes me sad. this game almost did everything right and i believe paper mario should go back to being bold with their stories like this again

I know allot of people aren't a fan of this game but its easily one of the best mario games. The characters and story do carry but it tells a wonderful story that I wish I could experience blind again.