Reviews from

in the past

This is my favourite Dark Pictures Anthology entree and I'll die on this hill.
Fuck Devil in Me haters. All my homies hate Devil in Me haters.

Entertaining horror flick but has to be played with another person, I don’t think I could sit through this alone. The ending was a bit lacking and overall a step down from houses of ashes and the quarry but still a good entry in the series that had a rough start with man of Medan and little hope. The added movement options were a nice touch but the items given to each character were largely completely useless. Fun with a friend however!

Supermassive traz um conceito interativo interessante para os jogos, realmente proporcionam uma diversão única em escolhas. Nesse sentido, é sempre interessante consumir as antologias ou derivados, o problema é que os criadores não buscam inovar o método narrativo, procurar uma temática mais incomum com escolhas mais criveis, e personagens mais desenvolvidos, esses aspectos dariam uma profundidade a mais no universo. Devil in me são 6 ~ 7 horas, que começa legal, mas com o tempo excessivo acaba se tornando monótono e repetitivo. Sem contar que é muito estranho a parte técnica desses jogos, os gráficos são razoáveis, mas as expressões/animações são esquisitas. Muitos problemas técnico, cheio de bugs e glitches.

Enfim, é um jogo ruim que consegue entreter legal até a metade ao menos. Zero valor de rejogar também.

Мое первое прохождение этой истории было просто ужасным, пришлось перепроходить. История основана частично на реальных событиях, ведь Холмс в действительности существовал. Спасибочки Dark Pictures за адаптации различных криповых историй и легенд.

Vraiment incroyable, c'est je pense mon Dark Pictures préféré avec House Of Ashes.

Seul défaut que je peut lui donner c'est son début long et chiant.

KORT SAGT: Trods en efterhånden noget forældet designfilosofi fænger Supermassive Games’ nyeste mordsimulator med et underholdende mysterium, et fænomenalt truecrime-setup og masser af bestialske dødsfælder.

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The conceit behind Supermassive Games’ body of horror games was a noble one to begin with. The simple idea of a playable slasher film pushed to the extreme; taking after the likes of “choose your own adventure” novels but most notably the interactive dramas of David Cage- which at this point stand as some of the most potent pieces of camp entertainment the medium has seen (that’s another conversation though). With Until Dawn they delivered on this promise with a game that was effectively curated in its tone and pacing, balancing between the joyful excesses of the genre with some genuinely visceral gnarliness (no doubt borrowing influence from Larry Fessenden who has a starring role in the game and had a pronounced hand in the writer’s room). After the game’s success, Supermassive went on to produce “The Dark Pictures Anthology” which was in essence a collection of ‘Until Dawn’ clones with what essentially felt like half the budget, production time, and length. The ambition had me excited but within the first hour of playing ‘Man of Medan’ I realized just how short it falls from their potential after how good Until Dawn was. Fast forward to now and we’re on ‘episode four’ of ‘season one’ of this project and its safe to say that Supermassive is utterly washed. I think I gave a lot of credit towards the bigger vision they were aspiring to but at this point I simply don’t have the patience for this brand of lazy, copy-paste development anymore- especially after seeing the refreshingly moderate effort placed into their spiritual successor to Until Dawn, 'The Quarry'.

Much of the appeal of horror to me is its sheer devotion to sensory affect and how far it can tease the participator, whether it be a film, novel, or video game. I believe with the latter medium we’re able to gauge the most potent application of the genre and what it can accomplish regarding the player’s interaction with the environment as well as other characters. There is literally so much you can do within the genre, so it makes it frustrating that Supermassive skimp and stumble away achieving the bare minimum almost every time. The typical slasher runs about eighty to ninety minutes so it’s shocking to me that these Dark Pictures games are en masse paced so poorly and proceed to take up an interminable six hours. It’s over an hour of gameplay for ‘The Devil In Me’ to reached its primarily location and half of that time is spent on a pointless opening set piece that acts as a tedious tutorial and also bears no real significance to the overarching story. The rest of this hour is its own dirge of setting up the ensemble’s dynamics and basic plot points in the blandest, most expositional manner possible- and rest assured reader, this is the worst and most cynical band of personalities Supermassive has conjured yet. Unfortunately, if not even Ashley Tisdale can sell the dialogue and development her character was given in House of Ashes, then Academy Award nominated Jessie Buckley certainly won’t here.

What's left beyond the uncanny valley-ass performances and the expressionless blocking in the cutscenes is a game that never moves at a natural pace; instead playing like being trapped in the apathetic body of a rusting tin man at all times as well as littered with jittery camera angles and glitches and lacking any sense of motivated lighting to add visual flourish or at the very least helpfully guide the player. As all these Dark Pictures titles go, once the violence ramps up its silly attempts at raising the pulse of the player get slightly more fruitful but as in the case of all the Dark Pictures titles, it's hollow thrills with no lasting resonance. No intricacies, nothing for the inquisitive player to glean or discover of its characters or setting that won't be explained away by the dialogue or needlessly made obvious in the lore newspaper clippings cluttered around the map. At the end of the day, there really was no point in me spending time writing about this prime example of dubious corporate horror when there's no shortage of real darkness in the world, but it's defeating when these small pleasures could be crafted to be so​ much better. If anything I feel as though this is a personal epitaph for a developer that suggests I may not be returning for 'season two'.

A severe step down in supermassive’s dark pictures series. Cheap, uncreative, goofy, uninspired and plane irritating. I could go on about the missed opportunities that this game has, but like the game itself, that would just be a waste.

The game has some improvements on gameplay, and the graphics are outstanding, but the plot definitely falls short. I got the good ending with my friend and it sure didn't feel rewarding. It's a shame the anthology ends with a disappointing game after three good ones.

Strong start and middle, which slowly fell off towards the end. Also seemed to be the most technically buggy of the series. Overall though still a fun play.

It really wasn't great. I had fun with it but like... eh. Dog was the best part

they are getting more and more creative with the deaths but honestly it is difficult to enjoy with the expressions of the characters.

Dos quatro jogos da Dark Pictures esse daqui para mim foi o mais tenso e que até me deu um certo medinho. Acho histórias "caseiras" muito mais assustadoras do que coisas assombradas, criaturas e etc... Ter um ser humano que não há nada de especial, mas é extremamente cruel, frio e inteligente te perseguindo num hotel cheio de armadilhas é de dar um certo medo sim... (Pelo menos para mim kkkkkk) e mais bizarro quando é baseado em algo real. Nesse último capítulo da Dark Pictures nós vamos para o Hotel do primeiro Serial Killer dos Estados Unidos fazer um documentário e obviamente da tudo errado!

A Supermassive se esforçou um pouquinho mais nesse jogo dos os outros que ela lançou. Agora temos mecânicas que não mudam muita coisa, mas deixa a gameplay mais "viva". Os personagens agora tem inventários, podem fazer certas ações como pular de lugares para outros, se esgueirar, empurrar objetos para ter acesso a novas áreas e outras coisas, além que cada personagem dos 5 tem alguns itens especiais que dão mais personalidade para os personagens, e isso eu achei bem legal! Os personagens são até que bem legais e eu gosto de todos e consegui salvar todos (não sei como kkkkk) e também salvei o cachorro! A história é bem interessante, tem as pistas que vão se ligando, nós temos surpresas, um vilão maldoso, nós temos várias armadilhas e decisões difíceis e muita perseguição! Eu me diverti jogando esse jogo e para mim isso é tudo

По началу было кринжово, казалось намечается чисто какая-то повесточка, но потом игра разогналась и пошел добротный такой слэшер с вайбами Пилы, Коллекционера и Хэллоуина даже. За сюжетом было следить интересно, и самостоятельно гадать над личностью антагониста, хоть игра и такое ощущение не дает окончательного конкретного ответа. Концовка истории конечно не такой ахуй как в Little Hope, который я проходил ранее, но все равно остались сугубо приятные ощущения. Понравилось, что тут геймплейные моменты расширили и эта часть стала более иммерсивной, и исследовать локации стало интереснее из-за необходимости решать небольшие простенькие головоломки. Ещё отнес бы к плюсам повышенную сложность на фоне других частей, в которые я играл. Тут сохранить всех в живых намного сложнее, чем в том же Little Hope, где я потерял только одного перса. Короче игра все ещё кайфовый кинчик, который особенно раскрывается если играть с друзьями.

Confesso que eu esperava mais, gostei da temática mas me incomoda muito como diferente de The Quarry e outros do mesmo gênero essa série não tem tantas diferenças nas escolhas

Jump scares great but a lot of bugs so sad.

Всё ещё главная проблема "картинок" - это их пэйсинг. Слишком. Мало. Игры.
Это симулятор ходьбы. По скучным локациям. Со скучными персонажами. А хорроровых моментов оч мало.
Да, добавили новые механики, свободу камеры и действия. Но теперь Картинки стали выглядеть не как кино, а как какая-та недоделанная игра. Раньше это скрывалось умелым ограничением свободы игрока. Плюс к этому появилось очень много багов. Игра в целом стала не опрятной.
Единственное, скажу спасибо за загадки. Их преступно мало, но это правильное русло. Они вам и хрон увеличат, и интерес добавят

5 бесполезных оболов из 10

Bom jogo. 3/5 ou 7/10. Gostei dos personagens, mas como sempre, acredito que poderiam ter caprichado um pouco mais na química. Atuação de voz muito boa, ambientação excelente, deve ser o jogo da antologia que mais me deu sustos. Realmente conseguiram criar algo bem atmosférico e tenso.

O único porém, para mim, é que poderiam ter desenvolvido mais o vilão. A backstory foi bem interessante, mas sinto que faltou mais nesse ponto. Também penso que o jogo inicialmente pendeu para uma pegada mais Jogos Mortais e acabou mais Halloween, o que de certa forma prejudicou o produto final, em minha opinião.

Dito isso, para quem gosta da franquia ou para quem curte jogos de terror/serial killer, é um bom jogo.

This review contains spoilers

first play: killed erin in blacked out room, killed kate in glass room, killed max on boat

keep thinking about that part where that one guy just falls through the floor

my friend santi worked on this :3c

very lackluster gameplay. trailer made it seem as if the bodies being used as animatronics would have a bigger role in the plot but they didn’t 👎 most boring of the franchise imo

how are you gonna have a cool gimmick murderer in the trailer who uses the dead bodies of his victims as animatronics and then never use that interestingly or even at all in the game

Great atmosphere. Wish they'd introduce combat mechanics like other survival horror games. Without them, it feels like it's more a walking simulator than anything else. A really well done one, mind you -- I appreciate the clues and butterfly effect choice system, but it could use some decent puzzles and combat. Their stories are usually good and characters, atmosphere, voice acting, and vibes are top notch. Just another pretty fun game from Supermassive Games.

Really bad, the worst one yet actually, only fun with another friend. The only time I actually felt any real joy with his game was when the dog showed up and survived.

I believe Devil in Me is the weakest of the series. While having interesting ideas for the antagonist and very cool traps it all boils down to an episode of Scooby Doo that just isn't what I had in mind when going into a ''scary'' game. The new mechanics feel fresh but its an addition that could use some improvements.

Voltando ao velho slasher e sua grande referência (Until dawn), o jogo acerta demais na tensão , puzzles melhorados e personagens mais carismáticos que outros jogos da franquia.

Ending was pretty underwhelming, causing not much re-playability. I feel like it falls down half of the game. Only character i really liked was Erin, the rest are forgettable.

This game did something I never thought was possible, it made a British person likeable.