Reviews from

in the past

É mais um jogo que carrega a alta dificuldade advinda dos arcades, mas aqui existe um verdadeiro arsenal de itens e armas que tornam toda a dinâmica muito divertida. Incrível como esse jogo conta com uma certa brutalidade que faz com que todas as ações ganhem peso, além de uma história bem divertida de se acompanhar (levando-se em conta as limitações de se escrever uma história para um jogo de arcade).

Muito divertido!

Marvel and Capcom's first collaboration was a good one. The Punisher couldn't be more perfect for a brawler video game with his merciless attitude and general propensity to kill and maim with every type of weapon around him, or fists if nothing else is available. The presentation, as a result, works really well, but beyond that it's a relatively generic and pretty easy brawler.

This game was the first arcade game I played in my life. And I always played with Nick Fury. Very good. With a couple of hours you can master it and finish in one run.

One of my childhood favourites. It might not be as popular as Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or Captain Commando. But it was almost as good as those games.

O melhor: Muitos elementos destrutíveis no cenário e diferentes armas para usar
O pior: "Pretty Boy", o inimigo mais chato do jogo
Bonebreaker?!: O meio homem/meio tanque de guerra aparece aqui como um boss. A Capcom tinha uma seleção muito curiosa de quais personagens da Marvel utilizar, vide Shuma Gorath e Blackheart nos jogos de luta

Um dos bons beat'em up clássicos da Capcom. Os visuais são ótimos, com cenários são cheios de detalhes, onomatopéias de porradas estilo quadrinhos, e muita coisa para destruir em cada fase. Obviamente ele tem os picos de dificuldade comum de jogos de Arcade pra obter o maior número de fichas possível, mas não precisei abusar muito das vantagens da emulação para terminar.

Beat 'n up maneiro do justiceiro, é bem curtinho e divertido. Zerei no portátil chinês kkkk.

The Punisher (1993): Con el género más que explotado, vino sin apenas ofrecer nada nuevo más allá de unas armas que funcionan regular. Cierto que esta versión es particularmente mala, pero no creo que el resto fuese muchísimo mejores. Cumplidor y poco más (5,45)

''The Punisher (1993)'' é um jogo beat' em up com opção de co-op para 2 jogadores. O game é bem curto, porém como foi feito para Arcade, ele possui uma dificuldade desafiadora e as vezes até estressante... O jogo é bem divertido e jogar com um amigo o deixa melhor ainda, as escolhas dos personagens jogáveis foram certeiras e as interações que o Justiceiro tem com o Fury são bacanas e condizem com a personalidade de cada um, recomendo bastante este jogo se você quiser passar o tempo um amigo ou parente que curte um jogo eletrônico ;)

Too short, a bit repetitive with just two buttons you can use, could use more guns. Still good game, with the exception of the “pretty boy” enemy that absolutely sucks ass and it’s just annoying.

The Punisher is another of Capcom's many 2d beat 'em ups, and doesn't stray too far from the formula. Excellent spritework and music, and extremely challenging gameplay, often bordering on the "pretty bullshit, actually" side of things. Not much to report on that side of things, it's enjoyable with unlimited quarters and probably kind of frustrating without, unless you're a god.

Where The Punisher does get really fucking funny, though, is in trying to fit the source material in this mold that really does not fit it. It's trying to give the impression of a gritty crime story with early 90s comics edge, but you still eat pizzas and meat off the ground to heal, and even in cutscenes Frank can leap like 20 meters straight up and punch through brick walls. He also has a gun, obviously, but he's honorable enough to only use it when up against other similarly armed enemies, which means he'll be pulling it out mid-boss battle to deal with the summons, and then politely holster it again so he can resume getting his face stomped in by some massive robot. Unless he finds a gun on the ground, which he can use whenever. Well, most guns, some just give you points, of course. He has a cool super move that drains his health, but also another super move that's him just chucking a grenade and diving for cover.

This is the game equivalent of movies like Conan the Barbarian (1982) that get so high off their own testosterone that they stop making sense, and it is glorious. Look at this fucking guy.

Neat little beat em up, nothing special but still very enjoyable.

Fácil demais para um jogo de Arcade. Mas dá pro gasto.

Not Capcoms best beat em up but still enjoyable

Much like the IP it's based on, compels you to revel in the sinister glee and catharsis of wanton violence, whether it's through its brutal off-the-street weapon pick-ups or unexpected machinegun-spray sections.

Awesome beat 'em up! Technically the first Marvel vs. Capcom game, sorta. And Nick Fury joins in on the action too! Even if I didn't really play as him. Great Punisher game

Love to crack a noggin with a ballpeen hammer and then all my friends come in with tommy guns and we shoot at each other's feet.