THE perfect sequel, improves and refines the first game's mechanics, and you get make a portable GLaDOS in a potato whats not to love

Rarely do internet hype ever live up to the expectations, except this one, genuinely blown away.

God tier soundtrack, incredibly engaging gameplay loop, amazing art style, Revali is a dick, open world done right, fun puzzles(except for the motion controlled ones, those suck), especially love the physics (and chemistry I guess) gameplay.

However I would've wanted a post-game content (I know, blood moons wouldn't occur) but I would've still taken whatever I can get, the side quests are tedious especially the "bring me X amount of Y item". The item durability change is subjective, I was fine with it since it makes you use different weapons but I completely understand why someone would dislike it.

Overall It's a completely different take from the usual Zelda formula for better or for worse, there's a reason why this game is universally highly praised is often called a masterpiece which I agree with.