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ees fün

not as fun as I remember it being when I was a kind. time is a cruel mistress.

good and funny cause you can climb the smackdown fist

Not much to say about this besides it being Dark Souls. It’s been talked to death but I think it’s genuinely my favourite game I’ve ever played (haven’t played any other fromsoft games yet). I feel dumb for waiting so long before playing it.

really cool but I suck at racing sims

best Gran Turismo because it reminds me of being 4 years old

super solid first effort into the monkey ball genre on console

rivals dark souls for my favourite game. compelling story, realistic characters, adrenaline pumping highs and heart breaking lows. truly the citizen kane of video games. I like to think of Ai-ai as a character in an almost lynchian world, forced to traverse a harrowing landscape of fire, water, spikes (and countless other hazards) all while trapped in a ball. if you haven’t played super monkey ball 2 you are missing out. I am a better man because of it and I can’t thank the devs and nintendo enough for setting my life on a path to true greatness.

its cool that its a bike game but the controls are not great at all

high art. akin to citizen kane. truly a life altering experience that shapes you into a better person.

honestly this game gets more hate than is warranted. like among us i think the memes surrounding the game didnt do much in the way of helping its reputation but it is a really solid and fun game with easy "pick up and play" controls.

this game fucking sucked. i probably havent touched it since january 2014. this was the first game i ever preordered and i was so disappointed. boring and short campaign, shitty ass multiplayer and that stupid alien mode. bad game.

this game is in the same boat as fall guys where the memes about the game and the general over use of it in the zeitgeist was really to its detriment. a fun game when played with friends.