for the love of god do not play this game.. I played this game as a joke and it was not a good time. The game also forces you to play the exact same game like 3 times to get the final chapter.. these people knew what they were doing.. sick fucks.. why did I finish this crap.

Gameflyed this game a long time ago and had a lot of fun with it. Sure wish I could find a copy that isn't $100+ lmao

Will forever hold a special place in my heart and is a fun game if you can see past it's glaring flaws. Drawing dudes is incredibly fun.. but the rock-paper-scissors combat is entirely luck based and can make the game drag on for no reason. It also takes a while to unlock enough to really make use of the tools they give you. The sequel expands on the concept a bit more and is worth a try.

enjoyed it when I was a stupid kid, only reason it gets this score.