still traumatized by the stress i experienced during my playthrough so instead of reviewing it (which i've already done 2/3 times) i'll just summarize my winning run.

So let me just first say that I was starting off fucking AMAZINGLY. I messed up a little on Yamato, but was still able to beat Robot X with 1 life and 2 continues left. This was it. All I had to do was not mess up.

I then beat the 1st part of Stage 6 before the timer ran out, and completed it with 1 continue and 4 lives left. God had blessed me. NO matter what I did, I couldn't mess this up, I was sure of it.

I then lost 3 lives during the 1st part of Stage 7, and 4 in the 2nd part with those stupid ass conveyor belts.
I was mortified. If I didn't get the fights against Dr Dahm and Robot X perfect, it would end my perfect run.

Thankfully, I DESTROYED Dr Dahm with no damage taken (he IS the easiest boss in the game though), and got ready to take on Robot X.

I went in for a jump-kick as soon as the fight started, however, instead of going in the circle movement he usually goes in, he immediately grabbed me and slammed me onto the floor. However, a few seconds after that, one of my specials knocked him off-screen, which allowed me to use the jump-kick strategy (if you don't know what that is, i'll leave a link showing it in action right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07-Zi2ynuPE). I continued it until he only had 2 health bars left, which was when he broke out of it. I was thankfully able to get him back into the cycle, and watched as his life-bar went lower than mine. I allowed myself to enjoy my victory. Mr X is killed, and All is Well.

Would I recommend putting in the effort to beat this game on normal? Well, it's your choice, man. All i'll say is that BK3 and SOR3 are both very different experiences. Even if it's a butchered version of a way better game, this shit still fucks.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024


28 days ago

Whatever happened to the Streets of Rage series? It used to be huge back in the 90s.

Also, random question, but what is your profile photo of?

28 days ago

sounds like a regular show episode lmao

28 days ago

@RedBackLoggd The beat-em-up genre fell off after the 16-bit era, so that's prob why they stopped making them. They did make SOR4 just a few years ago, so the series isn't completely dead.

Btw, my pfp is Fang from Contra Hard Corps

28 days ago

@imshitting420 i mean there weren't any gods of destruction planning the death of the universe

28 days ago

Yeah that's true, though at least Mortal Kombat managed to stay ahead.

Oh that's interesting that someone brought it back. Was it any good?

And ty, for some reason I was thinking it was a color swapped Dojo from Xiaolin Showdown lol.

27 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Yeah, SOR4 was awesome. Not as good as SOR2 or 3, but that's a hard bar to surpass

27 days ago

Nice, hopefully it leads to a resurgence for all those classic fighting games. Can you imagine a modern River City Ransom or Killer Instinct?

27 days ago

@RedBackLoggd There's already a new RCR game called River City Girls, but the reviews range from pretty good to horrible so idk

27 days ago

LOL, that's funny.