I've made WAY too many reviews on SOR2/3 and BK3, but I just can't help it. I love these games to death, and nowadays, they go under the radar too often (ESPECIALLY SOR3). All of them get my highest recommendation.

Anyway, this time going through, I did a 1CC on Hard, and Jesus, if there's 1 problem with BK3, its just way too easy. Not only did I do it on my first try, I also beat Robot Y with 8 lives remaining. Looks like i'll have to play on Very Hard to be able to have a challenge lmao (i did beat sor3 on normal, so maybe i'm desensitized idk).

It's always hard to summarize your thoughts on a game you love, so all i'll say is that it's fucking GOOD.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


Too many reviews? More like not enough

28 days ago

Honestly, it's cool to have an accessible archive on all the games - I just wish you'd flesh out what makes each of the game's different from the other considering casual gamers will just see them as similar.

27 days ago

@MegaTheRealOne Yk what, you're right. Time to write another 30 reviews for each of them!

27 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I'm planning to do a marathon of all the SOR games soon, so once I do that, i'll be able to pinpoint all the differences and similarities between them better

27 days ago

Amazing, looking forward to it!