While the resolution to the overarching narrative disappoints a bit, it's still a strong addition with a good new area to explore and an actually challenging Elite 4 and champion.
And while the main story leaves much to be desired, the weirdos who care about writing in Pokémon games (me, that's me) can get a lot of mileage out of the clubroom interactions between nearly every character in the game.

I wish all the levels had gameplay like the last one but for a free game I can't really complain.
It was entertaining while it lasted and the character designs are very good, I see why they're so popular.

A fun way to find out that the upper limit of democratic socialism is that, no matter how much progress you achieve, the best you can achieve is maybe get someone from your party elected next time. Because you know, all those reforms you just did? Can be undone as easily by the the next guy. Lasting meaningful change? What's that?

Good thing this is all fantasy, right?

Pretty straightforward. I found it dragged on in the middle but it ended on a strong note and it's short enough for that to not be a big issue.
The girls are good and varied, but the game really pushes one of them hard and it may be annoying for people invested in the others. Fortunately, I had good tast-erm, my tastes aligned with the push.

Probably an unpopular pick, but this is my favorite game from Supergiant.
The visuals, music, setting, everything just clicks for me.
And the gameplay is so fun and entertaining. The base difficulty is a bit easy, but playing recursions with the difficulty modifiers on got the challenge I was looking for and more.
I also think this has the strongest ending of the Supergiant catalog.


Another gem from Supergiant Games and probably their most underrated game. The gameplay takes a while to really get the gist of it but it's really fun and rewarding, and the music is as great as always.
And the world is so damn creative, Supergiant never misses with the creativity and worldbuilding aspects.

Excelente jogo com gameplay inspirado em Wonder Boy e outros clássicos dos 16-bits, a gimmick de praticamente todas as ações serem cantadas em tempo real parece que vai encher o saco mas não enche, a implementação é incrível e torna a experiência muito legal, eleva o que seria um retro platformer puramente competente pra algo realmente diferenciado.

Se você se incomoda com trocadilho talvez o senso de humor do jogo te irrite um pouco. Se você como eu continua com a mentalidade da quinta série não terá problemas aqui.

Design conventions from its mobile origin bring it down but it's still a fun monster taming game with a surprisingly charming cast of characters.

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Un jour je serai de retour près de toi.

One of the best monster taming games in recent memory.

Good creature design, an interesting battle system with a fun twist on the usual type advantages, fun boss battles, and great music.

Much more than a simple call retro back or nostalgia bait.
Besides using the 8-bit aesthetic as a pure stylistic choice - the amount of detail, color, visual effects and so on are much greater than any true 8-bit game could achieve, Shovel Knight has solid gameplay that draws inspiration for the classics without relying on them. You can't really describe its gameplay as "[old game] but with x" as you can with so many of its ilk.

4 campaigns with different playstyles that are easy to understand but entirely distinct from each other, and a storyline and setting that, while cliché, is fleshed out by the playthroughs into a world that feels lived in and characters that have a sense of history.

More polished gameplay, open world approach and more stuff to do make it a great upgrade over the original in the gameplay front, but I much preferred the story and characters of the original. In fact, besides not really getting to know the new cast as well, some of the returning cast felt strangely out of character, and the game relies too much on knowledge of the previous one to fully stand on its legs.
Still, a decent monster taming game of the more "Pokémon-like" school of game design.

My favorite Persona game. I love the small town setting and the characters.
The only thing keeping it from getting a perfect score from me is the subpar main story, easily the least focused and fleshed out of the series.

Best platformer I ever played. Challenging, fun, with a great atmosphere and a touching, sensible story told through both dialogue and gameplay.