12 reviews liked by 4dr3am5

I’ve never had sex… and now I never will.

Fuck you Blizzard I’ll never play your shitty games ever again

Munster energy is the best drink but plese can you make a monster energy with alcohol my friend ethan is telling me that this drink is for kiddies

my character cant get any bitches

might be because i made him blue



bobby kotick calvo cabeça dos meus ovo vai toma no seu cu.
blizzard ta morta e enterrada, e qualquer um que ainda da dinheiro para essa empresa merece o lixo que eles produzem

Like all Pokemon, I played through and enjoyed it. It's just painful that they removed some of the best parts of Arceus and made a game that somehow feels even more half baked. Lost hope in GF after this one tbh

The best Pokemon game that I've played. Expanding on the wild area of Sword and Shield with full on environments and how you can interact with pokemon in those environments. The graphics are nothing to write home about, though that is not what I'm mainly concerned by in any pokemon game. Having the option and ability to catch pokemon without even battling them is super fun for people who aren't big fans of battling wild pokemon.