Log Status






Time Played

15h 25m

Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

February 5, 2023

First played

January 23, 2023

Platforms Played




First Time

February 2023



Finished case 5, while the case was a bit too long and felt like it took away a bit from the excellent ending of the fourth case, I did enjoy the twists and turns of this one. The integration of more interactive elements was very welcome too - I like how you did things like spray for blood or test for fingerprints. All in all, this case was pretty solid. 3.5/5

2h 30m




2h 20m



0h 56m



Finished case 4, wow I was really impressed. I like how they integrate and develop Edgeworth character and bring in all these different characters backstories into the mix. Von Karma is a legendary villain.

I really liked how silly it got at times, between cryptid hunting and interrogating a parrot, there's a lot of quirky charm here to mix in with the sincerity. Definitely my favorite of the cases so far. 4/5

2h 35m



1h 30m

January 2023



Finished case 3 - it seems like this case is fairly well liked among the AA community but I thought it was kind of mid - the twists were fairly predictable, it was overlong, and the characters weren't particularly charming, funny, or weird enough for my taste. Outside of the Steel Samurai sort of Sentai character (which is not really explored much outside of Maya's love of the show), I probably won't remember much from this one. 2.5/5

0h 50m



Played through more of case 3 (Day 2 - Day 3 Investigation) - it's becoming clear why I petered off on this case, it's kind of tiring with a fetch-quest flow that seems like it's stretching out time un-necessarily.

1h 30m



Started case 3 - I think when I first played this game, I petered off around the end of this case. Enjoying it so far but had to stop for the night because I got sleepy.

0h 50m



Turns out that I've definitely played the first three cases of this before - I believe on an old iPhone. I remember bits and pieces, characters in particular, quite clearly.

Here's my first case mini-review: it's a glorified tutorial, the introduction to poking holes in witness testimony, pressing witnesses, and presenting evidence is fine but there's not much here. Larry Butz is fun and there were some fun (if corny) puns there but overall it's fairly minimal which is understandable for a tutorial. 3/5

Case two was pretty good, the emotional center of the Fey sisters drove the story along well, the introduction to key characters like Maya, Detective Dick Gumshoe, and Miles Edgeworth were fun and memorable and the supporting characters were wacky and added a nice comedic flair to the storytelling. The true-crime clout chasing bellboy, White's secretary April May and her distracting cans (and even more distracting fits of rage), Redd White's Blue Corp (nothing like American capitalism) and his overuse of made up words - all really fun and over the top. I really didn't like how it concludes with a sort of deus ex machina of Mia taking Maya's body and presenting us with evidence that isn't previously telegraphed. I mean it was pretty clear that something else was on the receipt but it doesn't let you inspect or use it until that point which was kind of annoying. Nonetheless it served its purpose of setting up a lot of the Fey's medium stuff which was fine. 3.5/5

2h 24m
