Another banger entry, after two games of buildup watching the oh-so perfect, strong and idolised Yuzuriha-senpai from the other protagonists/characters POV, it felt great to see what truly lies behind the masquerade.
For the first time in the series they finally decided to tackle the subject of homosexuality and faith more head on which was cool.

this is the srpg ive been looking for my entire life

one star goes to the OST, the other is 'cause i got to bully bird again

Ru-ru-ru-ru! this is persona 5 but good!

Its the same game again with barely any changes and persona 5-fied, its a shame 'cause both tartarus and how the game is structured to make you advance on full moons is just plain annoying and obsolete.

The hardest difficulty just makes enemies become damage sponges for no reason whatsoever.

Let's also not forget that its denuvo ridden as well.

Thank you Microsoft for the free game pass trial, god knows I'd not spend a single dime on this garbage.

Unnecessary, padded with filler, probably the worst story fights in the entire series and the new agent style is clunky and boring but god damn the ending fucked me up.

If I have to listen to Akeme shout "Joryu!" one more time I'll digitise myself and break her neck.