Pretty interesting and well made game. I love games that have scp, anomaly, control type of lore and entities. I drove with no doors to make the process more streamlined and maybe that wasn’t the best thing for radiation, but it was sick.

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought. I assumed because its’ demo was slightly janky that it would be rough. What I found was a game that wasn’t entirely sure what it wanted to be, but the parrying/counter high defense system wasn’t bad. When all the counters worked for me, it was awesome to slide in and out of enemies whole flipping and slashing. The world was fun to explore and the fishing mini game is one of the best I’ve played in a long time. The story isn’t anything special but it was worth focusing on. Eve also isn’t bad to look at; a lot of her outfits are well designed even if they are overly fan servicey (not complaining).

Playing on pc through game pass. I was enjoying it, WAS. I played for 7 hours straight, i save quite frequently as I have OCD and i have boss achievements all the way to the end. I came back after errands and my save was 7 hours prior. Completely gone. Found people who have encountered the same bug, no thanks.

I did enjoy this game. I don’t want to imply I didn’t. Collecting heroes and town building was very fun. The story seemed kind of….low stakes? Not sure a better way to describe it. The 3 main heroes were very bland. I did enjoy the combat and way sp/mp was handled. Magic is an expensive resource and it should be because of how strong it is. I got locked out of ONE character, which I think is a great accomplishment without using a guide. The music was very boring, can’t recall one song that stuck in my head.

This game is still in early access and has much to be added. But what it does have is fun and exciting. It’s different but familiar enough to pull you in. I sunk hours into it by accident. The aesthetic is great and its tongue in cheek cringe in the best way.

GREAT. FUN. Doesn’t take itself seriously and works great. Its’ been a while since I played a boomer shooter fun like this. I’m glad I picked this up after the story was completed. I would have been very mad if I had to wait between episodes. Very, very excited for the inevitable sequel.