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1 day

Last played

June 6, 2024

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This game reminded me of Iron Lung, in the sense that its central conceit is a simple one if you know what you're doing, but if you go in completely blind then you're gonna have a bad time. And I went in completely blind.

My advice to anyone interested in playing No Case Should Remain Unsolved is to read up on a review or two, so you actually know what it is you as the player are supposed to accomplish. Otherwise you'll be quickly overwhelmed by a string of unexplained deduction mechanics and confusing Korean character names that I initially struggled to remember. It was a big hurdle for me and I was truly lost for the first hour or so, as I haphazardly connected keywords to character statements and spent no small measure of time oblivious to the fact that I was supposed to list those statements chronologically and attribute them to the correct person. Oops!

Once I got over that bump in the road, NCSRU gradually revealed itself to be a relatively gripping low-key mystery. There's not much sense of danger here, but rather a lingering sense of melancholy that attaches itself to everything, from the art to the music to the way everyone behaves. It's very well written, and whoever worked on the English translation did a superlative job. A nice change of pace after recently suffering through the machine-translated dreck that was Mondealy.

In summation, as deduction games go, it's better than Duck Detective and not as good as The Case of the Golden Idol (but what is). Definitely give it a go if you like your detective games. Just make sure you do your homework first.