We all just Witness a peak DLC and an end to the Light vs Dark saga

Thank you Bungie...




savathun was a great antagonist in this dlc,

this dlc is amazing

I remember when I was playing Happy Wars (I miss playing that game) that I wanted to get Destiny on the Xbox One (I didn't gave a crap about the PS4 exclusive stuff lol) and when I got it, I had a lot of fun, the story was so fun and this also started my love for looking up lores on not only video games but anime as well. Unfortunately, I grabbed the game right around the time The House of Wolves DLC came and everyone was using new weapons in the crucible and I was here with my Proxima Centuari II Year 1 Scout Rifle. I had to stop playing for a while because I wanted to play the DLC and playing the crucible with the same weapons would get boring. Soon, I was able to get the Rise of Iron DLC (along with The Taken King that came with the first 2 DLC) and I was able to play all of raids and had fun (I still haven't finished Kings Fall because I always end up with players who rage quit after 1 wipe)

Destiny 2 just didn't excite me as much as D1 did. Maybe I'm being biased or something because Destiny 1 is my favourite game of all time but I still thing D2 could've done better.

Even to this day, Destiny 1 remains of my favourite game of all time and I feel like nothing would change that at all.

This game gets a two and a half star from me because of the amazing art, visual and music that is presented in this game. Not to mention some pretty well know Seiyuus (Japanese Voice Actors) are in this.

The gameplay and gacha on the other hand? Yeah......

Not to mention the constant notifications that I keep getting every day, I thought Duolingo notifications were bad but LW takes the cake lmao

Basically; Everything besides the gameplay, notifications and gacha are good

As the first Windows Era Touhou, it was really fun to play, albeit this game was fucking impossible to play at first b/c the game was like going a million fps, which is funny b/c the first 5 Touhou games (aka the PC-98 Era Touhou) was playable and didn't light speed all the way to the Andromeda galaxy despite playing on a Windows 10 computer. After some time, I was able to play the game.

The bosses were really fun to beat, from Rumia to Cirno (aka the strongest fighter in Gensoukyou lmao) to the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, or SDM. For me, the game got harder when I reached Patchouli's stage (Stage 4, the library) but I managed to beat it.

Flandre Scarlet's OST "U.N. Owen was Her?" is still the best soundtrack, ZUN is a fucking beast at making OST for Touhou.

I would definitely recommend this game to any one who wants to to get started on the Windows Era Touhou from the beginning and get a feel into the World of Gensoukyou.

Playing this game was extremely fun to play I gotta say.

I would definitely play this game again.

PS: Sakuya (aka dio as a maid waifu) is best girl dont @ me lol

Played this game on my brother's switch

it's a meh game lol

that shit made me wanna nuke my closet lol