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My favorite video game of all time. Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is one of the best games I have ever played. From the moment the game begins there’s an enticing fantasy world that leaves you with questions and there’s only more and more of them as the game continues to show more and more crazy things like the Monado being able to see the future, new characters with questionable intentions and so many plot twists, betrayals and mind blowing moments. The way all your questions are able to be answered as the story is fully woven together in its final act is absolutely incredible and one of the most memorable things I have ever seen in a game. The Nintendo Switch version also includes many changes to enhance the experience even more. The graphics have been upgraded with remade HD character models and updated world textures as well as many quality of life improvements to gameplay like a side quest tracker and even some remastered music. This game has some of the prettiest world design I’ve seen from the trees that light up at night in Satorl Marsh to the meteor showers at Eryth Sea, just all the different locations are so gorgeous to explore. The combat is so engaging too with a mechanic that cleverly ties in the core part of the story of being able to see into the future with the Monado into the actual combat itself. Occasionally you can get visions of what your enemies will attack you with in the next few seconds and be able to change the future in time to prevent casualties. It’s incredibly fun and keeps you on your toes through battles. The characters are all so memorable too and you easily get attached to the party so well. Not to mention the incredible soundtrack in this game from the cutscene music to the battle music. If you’re a fan of games with a captivating story, lovable characters, stellar music and beautiful fantasy worlds to explore Xenoblade Chronicles is 100% a must play.