I can't sing this game's praises enough. If you're a fan of either Metroidvania, character action, or are looking for a game that can get you into both, this game is for you.

Visually, this game stands out. It's not pushing insane fidelity or realism, but its painterly style translates super well and feels original. You can feel that this game was made by that Rayman Origins/Legends team. Everything looked interesting enough to hold my attention without compromising on visual clarity of the environments or enemies.

Traversal in this game felt solid as hell, with every movement option also doubling as a combat technique. This game manages to keep the movement feeling engaging and smooth even when it only gives you the double jump like halfway through the game. Environments were varied enough to keep you on your toes and really make to work to use everything they give you. The total area of the map felt just large enough to not feel too small; forcing you to actually explore. They even have a guided mode you can dip in and out of when you feel lost (no lie, I had to use it here and there).

Combat feels like it really shines and impresses me with how in-depth it can let you take it. It has every staple of the character action genre including launches, juggles, air-combos, a Vergil, the works. Plus, it manages to keep things feeling fresh by allowing you to use those aforementioned movement mechanics to style on enemies. You also have a parry that can open up enemies and dodge that's a little safer in timing, but gives less reward. I am a big fan of any and all parries.

Enemy variety felt good, with most challenging you to use those various moves to overcome them. Where I felt this game really shined brightest was the boss fights. I really enjoyed how most of the stronger opponents were designed, both visually and combat-wise. Sometimes I would enter an arena and get demolished, feeling like I didn't even know how to counter them. But every single attack had an answer, and executing that correctly feels fantastic.

The only thing I really felt was really middling was the very basic feeling story, and some weird direction on voice lines. Though to be honest the story facilitated such a fantastic experience I'm willing to let it go.

Don't let Ubisoft's awful marketing of this game fool you, this is legit the best thing to come from that company in the past decade at least. Give this a shot if you like video games full stop.

Really solid fighter. I adore the interactions that his game focuses on. Plus the combo system is super easy to pick up, but really has some depths to let you grow. The characters movesets and visuals ooze personality. The 2D pixel art visuals are solid as hell. The tutorials go from teaching you about the fundamentals of fighting games, to straight up showing you how to utilise option selects.

Overall really solid as hell. Has rollback netcode. Only really held back by having an iffy PC port and the character Byakuya (pls remove).


This is a pretty good game. Nothing outright blew me away, but it held my attention. I really loved just exploring the world, embracing the music and the visuals. The characters were also fantastic; everybody in Sable's village were a joy to speak to and I enjoyed meeting new people out in the world. Also, a big fan of the amount of customisation for both Sable and her bike.

I feel like two things really dragged this game down for me; the framerate and the frequent bugs. For like 60% of your time exploring the beautiful world of Sable everything runs mostly smoothly, but as soon as you get anywhere close to an interesting place the framerate drops and things get choppy. I thought this could have been a PS5 thing, so I move my playthrough to PC and while it was slightly better, it was definitely still felt.

Some of the bugs on the other hand just made it tedious to play. The whistle used to call the hoverbike barely works, so you spend a lot of time just running over to it on foot. Other times cutscenes would just outright break and show the wrong areas and positions.

Another little thing that I don't think is criticism, but something weird I noticed; There's so much colour and contrast that is lost when you don't change the settings to 'high visibility'. Without it set, everything just looks washed out.

Overall good game with some annoying issues that could drive you away.