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Aokana is something I really enjoy overall but MAN does it drop the ball in some places.

Going over what I like first, common route was great. The SoL was on point rivaling that of Grisaia for me (high praise). The characters were also super fun, having great interactions and extremely good development in some cases. Also the FC matches were crazy good, ridiculously good at points. Aokana is so good at showing how badass this fictional sport can be and I love it for that.

My biggest problems mostly stem from the routes. I have no issue with Misaki route and thought that was fantastic overall so I'll ignore that but the other 3 have their own fair share of issues. Just a blanket statement across the routes is the romance is so fucking cringe. I never want to endure pillow talk between these mfs again and I ESPECIALLY never want to see two mfs being shy about a date after having some crazy ass sex literally the night before, like come on brah. On to individual problems, Mashiro's route was mostly just a victim of cringe romance, I really like her character aside from that and her development is phenomenal. Rika's route just sucks outside of like one part, I REALLY don't like her route and felt it didn't have to exist. And lastly I think Asuka's route is awesome when it comes to FC but Asuka as a character is very whatever.

Overall I still think Aokana was very good, it can just drag it's feet hard at points. Also if you've already read Aokana read Extra 2, that shit is PEAK and does so much justice to this VN