It's gotten ancient, sadly... A mere remaster won't help you enjoy the ancient design.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2022


2 years ago

games dont age

2 years ago

Everything ages friend!

2 years ago

@PSI_Voltekker this.

It never aged, it's always been bad if that's your opinion.

2 years ago

I've had this debate countless times before.

Things age, even games and mechanisms. Accept that, or don't, I don't care.

2 years ago

Super Mario 64. That game feels awful on a new controller but on an N64 controller it just works due to how it was designed for that controller. This game's mechanics don't require an old controller and the combat feels the same as the newer games. So no it didn't age. Accept that or don't. Signed, the perspective of someone who has been playing games since 2006

2 years ago

Oh baby, I've been playing games since 1994 if that's the card you want to play lol.

Mario 64 is certainly awful, and it aged like shit, even on the equally horrible N64 controller.

2 years ago

back in 2020 when the world was off I remember playing mario 64 for the first time on a PS4 controller and hated it due to the fuckshit that is the camera. my friend gave me a N64 gamepad, and it was smooth sailing from there. find it harder than my first time playing a souls game to believe you've been playing since 1994 if using "aged" as a term is your logic

2 years ago

Lol dude, whatever you say.

2 years ago

what has "aged" about nocturne? it's been a polarizing game since its initial launch. it's always appealed strictly to the hardcore jrpg crowd who liked it for its unforgiving nature and literally nobody else. judging by your favorite games you were obviously never in that crowd to begin with

i can also guarantee that there are other jrpgs predating nocturne that do not have the qualities you find to be aged here. so your whole point is pretty shallow

2 years ago

Wait until you see his other reviews

1 year ago

Games don't necessarily have to age. However, I'll concede that they can age. I am not in the camp to think that Nocturne aged all too much. Sure, it doesn't have QoL features like newer games, but hat doesn't have to mean a game's aged, outdated, or irrelevant. However, if you want to think that Nocturne has aged, sure. However, ancient's a really strong word to describe Nocturne. Sure, it's almost 20, but there are many games that are much more archaic objectively speaking.

1 year ago


To be fair, I was being a bit cheeky when I said ancient, there's definitely worse games out there.

That's why I gave this one a 3. I think it was great back in the day, but now it's just not my cup of tea. Most turn-based RPG's are sooooo boring to me.

The way you traverse the overworld in this game does feel ancient though, I have to admit!

I appreciate your comment!