Not a single horror game managed to make me think about it as much as fear and hunger did,

the way they use body horror and the story that you can just keep digging in and keep finding more and more fucked up stuff, the game is a master class in keeping you on your toes, the game endings are great too, most of them at least,

way too many people, including me, approach this game as an RPG because of how it looks, so they will keep losing time after time and have no fun, but once I started approaching it as a survival sim, it clicked, give the game a shot, you won't regret it

a great improvement over the first game, they took every single good thing about the first and cranked it up to 11, the weapons feel great to use, and they look even cooler than the first game, the rough edges the first game had are not as noticeable (or not even here at all), the story continues after the first in such a nice way

this is a really good game, from the artstyle to the combos, everything is brimming with passion and charm

some AAA games feel less polished than this demo, I will eagerly wait for the full release

My very first armored core game, had so much memories with it and I got replay it again after AC6's reveal, it was a blast, from the combat to the customization, all of the endings were really good too

a fun dual stick shooter with an alright story, the bosses were fun and challenging, and the perk system with the different shaped bottles as upgrades was quite unique, the art was good as well

the game was fine but didn't really click with me

the game is... alright I guess, the art style was kinda nice, some of the comedy made me chuckle, the platforming was good enough. all in all the game was fun enough to play for a bit and then forget about for a long while

I play a lot of rougelikes and this one was especially fun for me, the dark, and grim art style that resembles darkest dungeon, to the combat that was rather challenging but still rewarding, this game had me in a choke for the first week after I got it

hotline Miami is a game that is so much fun once you ditch the mentality of playing safe, the fast paced combat, the and gorgeous art style, and as a plus the games goes for dirt cheap sales often, so it won't break the bank for you

the game was very difficult, for me, just because I never really played a platformer or a metroidvenia in years at the time I picked up this game, but am I glad I picked it up, I would say more but there isn't anything that I can say about the game that wasn't already said, just go and play it.

I enjoyed the game, tiny tina's personality that's very over the top batshit insane would seem like it would get boring real quick, but you would be sorely mistaken, throughout the whole game it was a riot, just a fun game and I don't regret getting it and even getting it for my friend to go play it coop

I really want to give this game a higher rating, I really do, but with how bland the gameplay and story are this game is left with nothing but a great Hellboy voice and a really nice artstyle,

Abe and Liz aren't in the game, the side cast while nothing to write home about they weren't insufferable like some other games cough saints raw cough, and the stages had nothing really to make me want to search through them,

hopefully we won't wait another 15 years before another hellboy game, and hopefully the next one would be good

a really impressive game considering that it bankrupted two studios while being an actually good game

I have played this game way more than I would like to admit