"Do you like hurting other people?"

This game deserves it's praise. No wonder it essentially helped kicked off the indie game renaissance we're in today. A neon lit, blood drenched story, and similarly brutal but twitchy arcade gameplay equals an amazing game.

Not only does the Kaito DLC feature Kaito with in his caked up glory, the story is surprisingly fantastic and the gameplay is still hella fun.

The absolute wasted potential of this game really saddens me. The only good thing about this game is Connor's story, which I think they should have made the whole game centered on. Everything else is just seriously bleh narrative wise.

A full collection of all three Jak games gives you tons of bang for your buck(kinda literally since Jak 2 has GUN).

"The Yakuza game, it's not like boxing. The man who gets beat down isn't the loser. The guy who can't tough it out to the end, he's the one who loses."

With this game, Yakuza finally hit it's resurgence in the west, and boy are we all happy for it. It's vibrant, decadent 1980's Japan setting, a funky, seedy feeling to it's world buried under excess and glamour. It's supplemented by a gripping crime narrative telling the origin stories of series mains Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima and an in depth and flexible beat em up combat sytem, as well as tons of side stories and great minigames. You should play this game by now. It's the absolute best way to begin the dive into this series, and I know for a damn fact you'll love it.

Well I used to really like this game but I've kinda gotten less favorable to it over time. Still hella fun though. Weighty, bloody melee combat(kinda janky however), a rich resort setting, and 4 player co-op. Story is bleh. Check it out if you want to play the precursor to a game like Dying Light.

This game isn't perfect by any means but it's a fun and solid horror experience. It's kinda tropey and the story is a bit wack but it really revel's in it's inspirations, and it makes for a bloody fun romp through madness. I quite love the absolute insanity it just kinda rolls with.

I was really excited for this game for a long time. I had hailed this as the return of Obsidian with a game in the critical vein of New Vegas. They hype was real, and while I did have fun with this game, it felt way too short, too surface level, and just smacked of a game that was cut way, way too short. The story is fine, the moral complexities of dialogue and characters just aren't there. The characters are fine. Some stand out more than others like Parvati and Max, but they don't bring enough to the table to make them worth exploring. Gameplay is fine enough but nothing really stands out. And the game's length is an issue, because while a shorter RPG experience is fine and all, but the world of the game feels so sprawling, and you feel so excited to explore it, only for it to slam the doors on you when you start to hit it's stride. I hope the sequel is better and actually delivers on the sprawling world filled with satirical hyper corporate stories because that is interesting.

It's very middling, but it's a good foundation for the sequel, but doesn't stand on it's own.

It's funny, despite how my tastes with games change over time, Shadow of the Colossus stays stuck in my brain over and over again. Something about it is so mysterious and enigmatic. The Forbidden Lands(the main setting of the game), feel alive but filled with mystery, the main narrative in minimalist but profound, and the feeling you get when seeing the first Colossus, this massive towering thing, is a fantastic experience. Play this game, it's worth everything you've heard. Words can't fully describe it.

This is such a charming little rhythm game, a classical music rhythm game no doubt. The character designs exude charm and the general feel is just so delightful.

God this game is so fucking fun. I'm so sad it's gone under the radar so much. The characters are fantastic and lovable, the gameplay is fast, frentic and rhythmic, and having tons of hidden depth, and the story and style is fire. TWEWY needs more love.

This game is such an underrated, neglected gem. You know this game was abandoned by its publisher, and didn’t have any support on release, because it doesn’t even have a subtitle function. Despite this, it’s an inventive time-travel FPS with tons of cool powers, a neat story, good shooting, and a lot of strategic depth for how to use your abilities. Hell of a gem, shame it couldn’t have more attention.

Yeah yeah, I know it's the boob game. I won't deny that boobs are cool. But this game genuinely has a ton of mechanical depth. It's fast and furious and with a ton of character variety. You can't go wrong playing it, either for the fun as hell fighting mechanics, or just the titties. Both are valid.

This game is just crunchy, bloody, over the top FPS fun. It may have gotten me on a list due to how much fun it was to just kill the fuck out of mutant grunts, and the game's points system encourages creative ways to obliterate enemies. The story and characters are kinda over the top stupid in what I think is a great way. It's got some uh, unique, ways to curse, but I think that adds to the charm. Honestly the background worldbuilding and ideas here could really be expanded much more in a great sequel, but this game is still the full Bulletstorm package. Tons of fun here.

Man this one just really disappointed me, even when I was young. It's trying to be an epic story with a 3D platformer flair, but with too many vehicle and turret sections, bleh collecting, a story that treats itself with way too much seriousness for how goofy it really is, and a cliffhanger ending just didn't do it any favors.