8 Reviews liked by AllStar909

The return of the long abandoned 2D side scroller Mario titles. Despite the modern conscious of the game, it's very out there with it's design and not nearly as 'safe' or 'soulless' as people will lead you to believe. Some of the enemy designs are super strange and really interesting. The level designs are fun and replayable. I loved my time with this

When I ran out of family members to put in this game I just started taking 3ds pictures of people on roblox so half of the enemies in my copy of this game just ended up being mid-era roblox characters.

i played this when i was a little too young and i had heard there was a sex scene in one of the cutscenes and i was so scared that my mom would walk in during that part i just skipped every cutscene to be safe. to this day i could not tell you anything about the plot of this game

i saw my son play it once it was ok idk the birds look kijda funny you know

This review was written before the game released

and to think i bought a switch mainly for this game

seven year old me saved $50 to buy this at full retail from toys r us

i never financially recovered

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