3 reviews liked by Amiee_C

an excellent game that needs players

One of those games where it hurts to collapse everything to a single rating. I couldn't possibly properly review this game without a wall of text. For gameplay alone, 3 stars. Hopefully they polish it up, but the bugs didn't diminish the experience too much (ymmv).
As a narrative game experience (a la Mass Effect etc.), 4 stars, and that's what I'll remember this game for. The crazy high AAA production value really pays off here. The plot, while convoluted and having its ups and downs, gives a good amount to chew on. But most importantly, 2077 carries the cyberpunk ethos: the tech is great, yet everything is terrible. Seeing the experiences V and other excellently performed characters go through in Night City really brings that stark feeling to life, and makes what humanity they are able to display that much more treasured. Miss some of those characters already.

It's basically Bookworms Adventures.