I love the modern Rayman games so god damn much, wow. Rayman Legends has not aged a single day in the last ten years. It still looks absolutely stunning and its controls are the most satisfying out of any 2D platformer I have ever played.

And the levels, my GOD THE LEVELS. Rayman Legends goes absolutely bonkers with all of its ideas and I love it. As a result, it's both fun in single- and multiplayer. Usually, platformers can get really annoying in multiplayer (looking at you, NSMB), but Legends is fun no matter how you play it.

Possibly the only gripe I have with Rayman Legends and the reason as to why I prefer Origins by just a tiny bit is that it kind of doesn't feel like an adventure and more like a level pack. The whole thing of the hub world being a gallery and level themes being all over the place with little cohesion makes it feel a bit artificial. Idk, I prefer the epic adventure vibe of Origins. But that's a tiny nitpick, Rayman Legends is still one of the best 2D platformers ever made in my opinion.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
