7 reviews liked by Antenne02

This one is somewhat special to me. I had high hopes for Death's Gambit, as I followed one of the devs' live streams religiously while he was creating the game. I felt like part of the project.

And then it was finally released, and let's say my first impressions weren't very good, and even after the big update that was "Afterlife" (which I admit refined many aspects of the game), the core issues remained.

In a super competitive market like Metroidvanias, a game can't settle for being average. Death's Gambit tries to replicate several ideas you've seen in other games but rarely tries to be creative with any of them.

For me, games like this NEED to have good combat. The game gives you a false sense of choice, that you'll be able to choose your play style, it presents you with classes and different weapons, but in my experience, little change is seen between these choices, and combat is reduced to block-and-dodge tactics.

The enemies are very spongy, you don't feel the weight in your attacks, the controls are awkward, and almost everything feels very clunky. The game's story fails to create a coherent and meaningful impact, I thought that the game's story was trying to be something deep and ... out of the blue, it changes its tone with comic relief, in a way that only harms the experience.

To say that everything is doomed would be unfair, the art direction and the soundtrack are very good, but I'm a bit biased because I love pixel art.

In the end, I tried to complete Death's Gambit three times. Today was the last time.

I want a new one of these every year until the day I die. Chock-full of "Aha!" moments that other puzzlers could only dream of. Best played with a friend! The experience was elevated by talking things out together and discussing the characters like they're real people. Added to my list of favorite game endings, that epilogue connected all the story threads in a way that made me exclaim so loudly that I startled my wife.

First of all, the game is very good, there's no question about that, but if you knew me you'd know that I'm not an open-world fan, and most of my complaints stem from that fact.
I think Fromsoftware has done a good job of adapting the souls formula to fit the open world format, but I don't believe it's in this format that the essence of this formula shines through and shows its best form.
For me, nothing incredible is added to the souls formula when you change the structure of the game to something more open, despite the greater freedom to explore, something positive for many, that's not what I'm looking for in games like this, for me it's about navigating intricate and meticulously crafted levels. Add this to other minor complaints such as the repetition of bosses, dozens of very similar dungeons, Fromsoftware's refusal to add field-of-view settings, lack of wide-screen support, and a list of other details and you have the reason why this game is not my favorite experience among FromSoftware's other titles.
That said, this game deserves its prestige and the game of the year award. FromSoftware has managed to pull it off once again, the world is visually stunning, many boss battles are memorable, the story and mythology are great, the variety of equipment allows for more builds than ever before, and the soundtrack is, as always, impeccable.

Idk this game was fun for maybe a month, if anyone asks me to play the game nowadays I'll look at them weirdly. I do not think the game itself is very fun and hinges entirely on being with a fun group of people, but there are other games like this where the actual game is fun as well. Something something sus imposter.

Reign of Giants is basically essential to Don't Starve. Unlike Shipwrecked and Hamlet, the base game only feels complete with this DLC, it's really really fun.

I actually don't enjoy this quite as much as the 'together' multiplayer version, but this one does achieve what the former does not - a satisfying narrative ending! I love that you can 'beat' this game, and I think that is overlooked in the other one!

The fact that this game has an ACTUAL multiplayer where you and your friends can settle together on a map, trade goods and go to war with each other made me appreciate it even more in hindsight. Maybe it was even a little ahead of its time. I CRAVE a game with a multiplayer as fun as this one.