Some more angry birds on the console, pointless really. I rate this a little higher than the trilogy as, despite being only 1 games compared to the trilogy's 3, it's a better and more interesting version of angry birds. Again, why play this on console? Again, this is such a sparse offering for 60 usd new. Again, you can probably find it really cheap if you actually want it. But finally, and most importantly, it is at least fun to play.

Game collections disks on the 360 can be split into 2 categories, those which bundle in games from older consoles and those which bundle arcade games which were released on the console. This is Capcom's attempt at bundling some of their arcade releases onto a physical disk. This all seems well and good, as you probably end up saving a bit of money from buying the games digitally, and some people like to have physical disks. The issues with these games seem to really outweigh the advantages. For a start, it's unlikely that you will enjoy all the games on the disk. This collection includes 7 Capcom games, with big hitters such as street fighter and puzzle fighter, along with very obscure titles such as flock and rocketman. It's unlikely that you will enjoy all of these games, in fact for me I was only really into final fight. This is especially the case when rocketman is absolutely horrible. Secondly, these games aren't particularly classics and don't really have any history. This means that there are no unlocks, no bonuses and no benefit of owning these games in this collection format. Finally, and probably worst of all, if you want to swap between games you need to go back to the dashboard and load up the game again. Aside from owning these games when they are delisted, there is really no point to this disk. Yet, with 7 fairly decent games on the disk, I shouldn't be too harsh.

Do you like angry birds? Do you want to play the first 3 angry birds games on your console. That's about all you need to ask yourself with this one. It's a very simple package of the first 3 games with little added or taken away. It seems a bit sparse for a full disk release, but nowadays you can probably find it for much less than that. As a window to the golden era of mobile gaming, it does it's job, it just doesn't really seem like the type of thing you need a console to play, but it's fun nonetheless.

Do you like angry birds? Do you want to play the first 3 angry birds games on your console. That's about all you need to ask yourself with this one. It's a very simple package of the first 3 games with little added or taken away. It seems a bit sparse for a full disk release, but nowadays you can probably find it for much less than that. As a window to the golden era of mobile gaming, it does it's job, it just doesn't really seem like the type of thing you need a console to play, but it's fun nonetheless.

Are you getting bored of these yet? I am. WRC is a rally series focusing more on realism than most of the other rally games on the 360. Here we are at the 3rd in the series. What I'm taking from these games is that they went down the FIFA route of just releasing the same game every year with updated teams. In 2023 it is pretty much a moot point. Do you really care if Sebastien Loeb is in the wrong car? Probably not. There has been a slight change in the career mode, they have cut out a lot of the car development and garage aspects, in an attempt to streamline it. This may not seem like a big deal, but considering its a game only for hardcore rally fans, they are alienating their audience a bit. If you see all 5 WRC games for sale, and this is the cheapest one, then grab it. Otherwise, there is really no reason to buy this if you have any of the other games in the series.

This has to be one of the weirdest racing games I have ever played. Hot wheels worlds best driver is one of two hot wheels games on the console. This effort, puts you in charge of one of 4 teams as you attempt to complete a variety of interesting racing related missions. There is a green team which focuses on speed. You will take part in drag races and other speed related activities. There is a yellow team with destruction related tasks and a blue team with trick related tasks, each team having its own feel and style of driving. It's a nice idea. I respect the originality and the attempt to do something a bit different and fun. Some of the missions were quite fun. I enjoyed picking up coins in the hill climb of the destruction derby yellow team and found some fun in the challenge of attempting to complete difficult tricks. The colourful presentation is pretty ugly but nice in a childlike way and the short nature of the tasks makes it quite suitable for kids. Sounds good then? Well no. The biggest issue with Hotwheels is the unbearable control issue. Bad controls are pretty killer, especially in a racing game. But a game like hot wheels, in which some tasks require very precise controlling, this basically ruins the game. Worth checking out for it's uniqueness, but don't blame me if you want to throw it out the window.

When Koei Temco realised people were getting bored of the repetitiveness of the dynasty warriors games, they sat down in a board meeting to brainstorm how to make the game interesting again. Good ideas like improving the combat or adding some form of tactics to the game were ignored in favour of making the same game in Japan. Well this is the 2nd one, and as far as I can tell, nothing has changed. You can imagine exactly how this is going to play out without me telling you. Smash X a million times then frisbee the disk out the window.


The nostalgia is pretty strong with people on these cars games. They didn't get great reviews but people seem to love them and I totally understand. If you grew up watching the movie and then this one one of your first video games then of course you may think back on it fondly. However, I am not one of those people and playing it for the first time in 2023, I can safely tell you that it sucks. The game follows the movie pretty closely, keep in mind I have only seen half of the movie, setting you up in radiator springs with all your favourite characters from the movie. They have really tried to get the feel of the movie and have done it well. The cutscenes were my favourite part of the game. They tell the story well and feel great quality like the movie. Radiator springs is also faithfully portrayed in the movie with all the original characters and locations. The issue is you spend pretty much your whole time in this area which, although faithful to the movie, is a bland boring brown barren shithole. I got so bored of driving around the same boring "open world" hub, but what was more frustrating was that when you pick up races from this hub world they are still in the same area. There are a few races on a NASCAR circuit, but these are all exactly the same as each other and pretty boring too. The racing in itself is fine, it handles ok and there are some skills like boosting and skidding round corners, but it's not particularly exciting. The AI is pretty poor and its hard to lose races, which is forgivable for a kids game. There just isn't a lot of magic or intrigue that you would expect from a Disney game. Of course young kids and fans of the movies may enjoy it, but it feels very unpolished and bland, exactly the opposite of what a card game should be.

What is a fairly boring American quiz show game only released on the Xbox 360 in the NTSC region. Yes is Jeopardy. Another of the myriad of USA exclusive quiz show games, Jeopardy, like most of the others, is pretty much exactly what you would expect it to be. You can play jeopardy single player against the computer, you can play multiplayer against your friends and there are some Jeopardy related mini games. There are 3 different levels of the difficulty. The easy mode gives you multiple choice answers to the question, which works fine in terms of the speed of the game, but ends up being a bit easy. The medium and difficult levels have you type your own answer using the controller. This is extremely clumsy and makes the game really slow. Neither method works well and leaves the game feeling a bit lackluster. Another notable issue is the absence of Alex Trebek, the famous Jeopardy announcer. It seems like a strange omission, but the budget feel of the game is probably why. There aren't many voiced lines in the game and the sounds in general are quite repetitive. Perhaps they were in a rush to release the game or perhaps it was budget constraints, but Jeopardy is nothing more than shovel ware and just not much fun to play.

When you think of the dreamcast's best games or most iconic games, what comes to mind? Shenmue? Chu Chu Rocket? Powerstone? Resident evil code veronica? The dreamcast had so many great games, and due to the ultimate failure of the console, many of us never got a chance to play them at the time. Even for those who did manage to play either at the time or on later ports, there are a lot of games from the console which are quite hard to find and play now. More obscure titles like D2, illbleed and blue stinger are difficult to find and haven't been ported else where. On top of this we have the wonderful genesis collection which had already been released, it seemed like the dreamcast collection was destined to be great. When you actually see what was released, it's hard not be a little disappointed. Sure, crazy taxi is a fun game, but who asked for pro bass fishing? However, when you delve into the collection, things get so much worse. No bonuses, extras or unlockables, this collection really is bare bones. There is a very basic menu screen and then that's it, just the 4 games. Sonic is basically unplayable nowadays, the camera is horrible, and worst of all they included the original version with none of the updated gamecube content (I suppose it is a dreamcast collection but still). Space channel 5 is the less well regarded sequel. Pro Bass fishing is well fishing. But surely they can't fuck up crazy taxi right? Wrong, the original music has been replaced with some generic rock music. An absolute disaster.

When I put summer games into my console, there was something that felt instantly familiar. Very awkward music. Horrible graphics particularly the strange looking sports men and women. A very European budget feel. Ah it's 49 games back with their old tricks of attempting a yearly athletics franchise. While the winter franchise was one of the only ways to get winter sports on the console. This summer variant is fairly pointless as we already have the much superior Beijing 08 to play with. Bundle this with the fact that they haven't included the most interesting part of the winter games, the mini challenge board, it's a bit of a disappointment. That being said, summer games does boast a huge number of sports to try, with 29 on offer. Of course there are the duds, mostly due to the difficulty of the controls. Swimming is an absolute chore which I still don't understand how to do. Others can be quite fun and have some nice tactical variance. Some of the cycling events require some tactics and understanding to defeat the computer opponents. Overall it just feels like a budget title. There's enough to keep you entertained, but some of the sports are so frustrating that it can really take the fun out of the game. Not horrible, but not good.

A common scenario in the 360s lifecycle is sequels of games which change very little from the previous release. It's refreshing then to see H.A.W.X 2 go against the grain and completely revamp the game. No I'm just joking, it sucks. Not only does it seemingly have no improvements over the first game, it actually feels worse. The missions start of boring and repetitive before becoming extremely hard. No attempt to improve the boring landscapes has been made either. Yes, I'm not a fan of aerial combat games, but even I can tell this one sucks. Point at the enemy and click fire. Fly around a bit. Point at enemy and click fire. I cannot recommend this, even to the most hardcore of flight fans.

Played on the 360 which is not listed for some reason. The thing I remember most about the game was the extremely aggressive intro video. It's very dated, just like this game. Rugby league live 1 is the first in the series of rugby league live games of which 3 were released on the console. Confusingly, there is also the rugby challenge series, also rugby league, and the World cup rugby series. This one feels incredibly dated. The player models are huge and move incredibly slowly. This makes it really difficult to get into an attacking flow, and I found my games to be quite stop and start. The terrible AI didn't help either. It feels like a early ps2 game, which, while absolutely fine with me, says a lot about a game released in 2011. The rugby league series does get a lot better, but this first installment is just a pain to play. Stick to the later releases.


This is another one of those games that makes you question: how is this a game? What would you even do in this game? Well, let me tell you. Some inane and seriously unfunny dialogue. Go to the crime scene. Click on some things. Some terrible one liner from the "funny" character. Play a boring mini game. Click on some more things. Go back to the forensics lab. More clicking and boring mini games. An achievement pops every time you touch the controller. Goth girl keeps talking about how great she is. Some dude walks in and shouts "deduction board". Rinse and repeat 4 times. Game over. No I have not seen NCIS, and after playing this I have even less interest in watching it. It all just seems very low effort. If there is one enjoyable thing about NCIS, it's that the voice actor for one of the characters sounds like a robot. Unless you are a huge NCIS fan (do they exist?), avoid.

One of the worst feelings is getting quite a few hours into a game before realising, I'm not having fun. Your left with the difficult choice of giving up or attempting to keep going. The best thing about NFL tour is that it is not like this. You can tell pretty much as soon as you but the disk into the console that it's going to be bad. From the gaudy loading menus and music to the complete lack of game modes or features, it's obviously junk. You can jump into the Tour mode, try exhibition or try some of the weird mini games. The thing is, all of them are fairly similar. You are stuck in this weird walled NFL pitch, given the option to run along the walls and press A to dodge tackles. One big problem is that it is really easy to duck out of tackles, so if you have the ball, you will score. The other issue is that once you have played one game you have seen it all, that's all there is to the game, it's that bad. But nothing compares to worst thing about these game. The horrible horrible commentary. I'm not sure if this made me like the game more or less, but the commentary is so bad it might have come back around and become good again. Horrible.