This will never not be fun to me, and I will keep playing it until the day I die.

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Has anyone noticed if you unlock the spindash, the game is 10x more fun?

Trip the Sungazer is adorable, I love her.

Man this game is so fun, I hope this game doesn't get a remaster that adds more bugs and glitches

Generations is one of those Sonic games that don't get brought up as often as you think. Sure the modding community is talked a lot, but usually never the base game, which I honestly think should get as much praise as the modding stuff. It pretty much perfected the boost formula by the tiniest of bits, and even the Classic Sonic stuff is fun like wtf? Easily my favorite Modern Sonic game and crossing my fingers that they don't fuck up Sonic X Shadow Generations.

haha Sonic kissed a human rough transition to 3D please laugh

I was genuinely bored out of my mind.

Still better than Sonic Forces wtf

Never once have I wanted to snap my controller in half until I played this shit.

Bro can peg someone with that fucking sword.

How could not like the game that introduced Blaze the Cat?

I did not know that this was an RPG