50 reviews liked by Arantes

this game sucks compared to kart, bunch of overly complex changes made to the game making it extremely overwhelming, the tutorial it makes you go through doesn't helps with that feeling neither, and this is coming from someone that has been playing Kart v1 since version 1.2

also, to the dev that thought changing arle's voice to the puyo pop english voicelines was a good idea: go fuck yourself

oh, did i forget to mention that most basic stuff that wasn't locked in kart is now locked behind dumb challenges? THE ABILITY TO LOAD MODS AND PLAY ONLINE IS LOCKED BEHIND CHALLENGES, WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??? anyways here's a save that has most of the stuff unlocked, grab it while it lasts

sometimes when you play a good game it makes you feel more charitable to other games in it's genre, Fallout 1 is so good though that it makes you feel less charitable; forces you to wonder why you'd ever want to play yet another RPG that confuses amount of writing for quality of writing

The online discourse for this game is baffling. If I'd listened to the current consensus, then I would have avoided all but a handful of NES games, because they're apparently unfun, dated junk.

I decided to give the original Metroid a shot anyway, and I'm floored. This game is spectacular. Some of the music tracks are among the best I've ever heard. The atmosphere is as thick as butter. The world is enormous and labyrinthian. I felt a sense of vertigo uncovering side passage after side passage in areas I'd previously explored, realizing the map was at least double the size than I'd previously thought.

People are playing this game wrong. Don't use a guide, just read the manual. Be frustrated, and learn the game. This isn't a walk in the park. This is an expedition to a hostile alien fortress.

Nostalgia e diversão apenas. A câmera no coop é péssima, fora isso, é um dos melhores jogos de anime, simples e divertido.

played as a child long ago, don't remember much aside being super cool

Me diverti muito jogando esse jogo, foi o 1° jogo do naruto que tive contato e eu joguei a versão japonesa, KONOHA SPIRITS.

This is the only fighting game Ive ever been able to enjoy other than Smash. First of all, this is a bleach game, and bleach sucks, other than the first major arc, which is good. This game's campaign only covers that first major arc, so its got that going for it.

The more important thing though, is that in most fighting games I get told in the tutorial how to do a basic move and I cant for the life of me pull it off consistently. Im sorry, maybe that makes me stupid or something but I just can't do it. This game however, has the greatest innovation for crapouts like me.

In Bleach : The Blade of Fate you can input combos like a lame tryhard, using the directional pad and face buttons (if youre a nerd) but if you are a cool guy such as myself you can click a button on the touch screen and your character will just do the combo by itself. This is of course the greatest innovation ever. Obviously in multiplayer this would be too much of an advantage for one player, but I don't see why you couldnt have it for the combo impaired such as myself in the singleplayer.

Other than that, its not that special, its fine.

The sprite work in this game is really cool

The DS Bleach games were SO fun.

The best 3D Mario game imo. This game just felt so nice to play with FLUDDs movement and hover mechanics. Characters, missions and locations are just peachy. Sometimes I wanna commit a federal crime whenever Mario just doesn't listen to me. 10/10