Kotarō Fūma had the best Musuo but I still stand by Magoichi Saika even though his move set sucked.

This game was surprisingly fun back in the day, although I haven't played it again as an adult so I may be blinded by my nostalgia glasses.

Danny Phantom was so OP af. This was the era of couch co-op, and this game was loads of fun.

Hella cried when my Zoom monster died.

Doll by Terra. That song is lit af. You're welcome.

I played Soul Blade but apparently it's the same game, it was just renamed. I'm not a huge fan of fighting game so probably lots of nostalgia is mixed into this game. I liked the imaginative battle areas, and the very unique character rooster. Voldo still scares the heck out of me. Plus the adventure aspect is so clever, you're like in a book and that's where you traverse from battle to battle. And each character has their own unique storylines. Clunky and dated graphics by today's standards but it is still a great game.

my god. 10 hours in and still so linear

played on Android and I finished The Freshman book 1. Disappointed that most of the possible choices are behind Diamonds which are in game currency. For a choose your own adventure type of game, sometimes you're not really given much choice.

I played on Android. It's way better than Poo. All the mini games are fun.

it plays surprisingly well on the PSP, I actually got Expert on all levels without a problem.

played on the Nintendo Switch. It has a total of 60 levels, it's plays like those cooking games on mobile like Cooking Fever. It's loads of fun, better than the mobile games that locks you out with ridiculous paywalls.

It's a Layton game without Professor Layton. It still has some good puzzles but the cases were kinda boring in my opinion. I liked the Batman parody case though.

Spoiler Alert
I did not see that coming, the twist with Ernest apparently he is the eighth grandchild of Maxililian Richmond. And he wanted to take revenge on the seven dragons.

a lighthearted and funny dungeon crawler game. Wish I could coop with the story missions not just the sides. Lots of fun!

if you enjoyed HarmoKnight on the 3DS, you will love this.

I just can't stop laughing. RPG elements are a little watered down but damn, what a hilarious game.