Log Status






Time Played

32h 5m

Days in Journal

19 days

Last played

May 2, 2024

First played

April 7, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

Well, I finally finished the game’s main campaign. I followed the Claude (or Golden Deer) route that seemed the most appropriate and I didn’t regret it one bit. I can say that among the 3 endings that the game shows, Claude’s appears to be the most complete and without a doubt the most satisfying for both Fodlan and Byleth.

The game’s characters are all very unique and full of individualism. It’s impressive how you can see every type of personality within a game with less than 50 hours of gameplay on average; it’s absurd how unique each character is and its development. I feel like it’s a shame that I can’t fully explore the character of the other houses without being part of them; that would certainly please me more, but I understand the studio’s strategy in encouraging the player to follow other routes, so not only does their knowledge about the other characters but also what it could have been like for you to support the other side.

Speaking of Claude’s route, I’m a little sad about the ending of the characters from the other houses. I don’t know if it’s like that in the other routes, but the fact that they canonically die in battles after the timeskip (with the exception of a few), unless you recruit them to your side, is quite sad. I was saddened by many deaths because I knew that that result was just a matter of a single choice at the beginning of the game and that they would have been in your team’s place supporting you if you had chosen them.

The story and plot of the game are quite interesting. I would say that the biggest plot twist is without a doubt the fact that the academy traitor is Edelgard. I was a little surprised by her being the enemy. Although I haven’t ventured into her route yet to understand her motivations in depth, but from what I saw of Claude’s route, her goals were VERY similar and she appears to have a similar background to Lysithea, which makes her even more of an interesting character. I would say that among the 3 leaders, Edelgard is without a doubt the one who appears to be the most interesting. As for Dimitri, I’m sad about the situation he ended up in. Mad with revenge and killed by spears, even the characters found his death sad and brutal, but an unavoidable fate for those driven by revenge.

As it was my first tactical RPG, I had a little difficulty at first, but nothing that stopped me; after all, it’s still an RPG. All you need to know is when to attack and retreat, as well as knowing how to use buffs, healing, and knowing how to choose character classes well.

Well, overall the game has some basic problems like graphics that look like they came from a PS3, the story seems to be a bit slow at times but nothing too absurd.

All in all, it’s a good game; my rating would probably be higher if I had played the 3 other routes.