1 review liked by ArielLombi

This is what games like Call of Duty and The Last of Us II should have been. A story that actually delves into the value of the human life and the pointlessness of war and murder. I'll admit that the controls and difficulty scale could've been handled a lot beter, I've yet to find a perfect game afterall, but I don't think movies will ever be able to reach this level of intensity and exploration as it requires the interactivity to make the player feel Walker's guilt. I absolutely understand why the developers didn't want to spoil the plot in the marketing. Yeah, it's unfortunate how that inevitably led to its commercial failure, but thankfully we have the internet to bring masterpieces that we initially glanced over into the spotlight.
Going back to the story, Walker has become one of my favorite video game characters and one of the best examples of an anti-hero. He's up there with James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2. I think Nathan Drake fits Nolan North's voice acting a lot better, but Walker is far more complex and interesting. Actually, the whole game is complex and interesting with its dark aesthetic, fantastic plot twist (that I will definitely not spoil) and the greatest incorporation of player choice I've ever seen in a video game. David Cage has got NOTHING on this.

To me, Spec Ops is the embodiment of the reason video games were blessed into our world. This is the new form of storytelling we've been waiting for since Citizen Kane set the standard in filmmaking. It broke me as a person and is only rivalled by Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill 2 as my favorite game ever made. But Resident Evil 4 is my favorite work of art, and you'd need a miracle to beat that.