19 reviews liked by Arisu_oid

This shit is so magnificent 😭

I already knew that i was gonna love this game because i absolutely adored Judgment. Yeah it might have had a few problems such as too many tailing missions, and the annoying mortal wounds, but it was still an amazing experience thanks to its well written story, awesome cast of characters, and fun gameplay.

First of all the combat receives a lot of major improvements, and it's probably the best combat system that rgg has created. Crane and tiger style are back, and there's also a new one called snake (boxer style also exists but i didn't unlock it).
Tiger style is less overpowered now, but it still feels way better to use compared to Judgment thanks to the expanded moveset.
Crane style got a MAJOR ass upgrade, now it has faster attacks, more moves, it feels exquisite to use, it's argueably the most useful style, and it might be my favorite fighting style in the whole series.
Snake style is an amazing addition to the combat. With it you can parry, disarm, and terrify the shit out of scared enemies by doing a heat action.
Style switching is much faster now, which makes juggling easier to pull off, and it makes the combat feel better.
Each fighting style can gain a buff during enemy encounters. If you dodge an enemy attack at the last moment with crane style your attack speed will increase, once you land a finishing blow with tiger style your damage will increase, and once you parry an enemy with snake style you will gain temporary immunity to knockdowns. These buffs not only make the combat feel better, they also encourage style switching since the buffs won't disappear once you switch styles.

The side content in the first Judgment was decent i guess, but the side content in this game is absolutely wonderful. The side cases are much more fun and memorable, and unlike in the first game you won't have to go through many tedious tailing missions. However the main reason why i love the side content are the school stories.
During the school stories Yagami will participate in various different clubs. Each club has a different activity that you will have to do, for example in the dance club you will play a dancing minigame, and during the boxing club you will play a boxing minigame. I found most of these activities to be a lot of fun (except the robotics club minigame fuck that one). Another thing that makes me love the school stories more is that it actually has a pretty good storyline with some memorable characters such as Kenya, Itokura, and the GOAT Amasawa! The school stories also give Yagami some personality which is very nice.

Yokohama is a really cool city in my opinion, and travelling around it with the skateboard was really fun.

The main story is on par with the first game in my opinion. It talks about bullying, suicide, and different definitions of justice. Most characters that we all know and love from the first game are still here(they forgot about Ayabe for some reason), and i also liked how this time Tsukumo plays a more major role in the story. I really loved the majority of the new characters introduced in this game. Sawa is an important character to both Yagami and the story, but i feel like she needed more scenes with him.
Soma is another character that i wish had more screentime because he's honestly a really cool villain with a calm and calculative personality, and he's a big obstacle to Yagami in the main story.
Tesso is pretty much Yagami's Rikiya so that automatically makes him an awesome character.
The main antagonist (i won't spoil who they are) is easily the best character introduced in this game, and he is probably one of my favorite videogame antagonists. Yagami and the antagonist are 2 sides of the same coin, but between the 2 of them there isn't really a correct side which is what makes their confrontation of ideals so captivating. Their dynamic is genuinely spectacular.
The conclusion of the antagonist is also amazing, and for the love of god DO NOT BRING HIM BACK RGG!!

The music is just as good if not better than the music of the previous game.
My favorite tracks are:
The song in the opening (rasen)
Kazuki Soma's boss theme (viper)
Daimu Akutsu's boss theme (K.O.G)
The godly final boss theme (unwavering belief)
Snake style's theme (snake style)
Kosuke's boss theme (Hydra).

The boss fights were pretty solid. The last 2 bosses were incredible, and the Akutsu boss fights are really fun aswell. However those random rk members bosses are pretty forgettable.

The detective mechanics in this game were also improved. They added some new gadgets, and a dog that tracks scents which is super awesome!

A few other improvements that Lost judgment adds are: way less tailing missions (the tailing missions also had some small improvements), items dropped by enemies will fly towards you, a conversation log so you can read any dialogue that you have missed, a skateboard for faster travelling, less lockpicking, less investigations, mortal wounds were removed, keihin gang invasions were removed, you can gain a lot more sp now which means that you can buy upgrades much quicker, and finally Kim doesn't text you anymore.

A small complaint that i have are the new climbing sections, the new stealth missions, and the new qte. The climbing sections are just boring, and the stealth missions lack a lot of freedom. In the new qte you will have to press various buttons instead of one, and i honestly think this was very unnecessary. I prefer the simple one button qte where you don't fail 90% of the time.

For me this game doesn't have any major flaws, it only has small problems that i don't think are worth cutting points for.
Overall this was an absolutely exquisite experience, and i'm excited to play the dlc in the future. Awesome story, great characters, fantastic antagonist, great music, amazing side cotent, and a fantastic combat system.
Easy 10/10

Journey can be said to exist almost without words. All story lines conveyed to the audiences appear in flash cut scenes that provide freedom of interpretation of what actually happened. Nevertheless, you can find a common thread, despite the various theories that may arise from it. You are seen playing the role of a red-robed explorer who seems to have one main goal which is to head to a mountain split by pillars of light in the distance. As if trying to find answers to what really happened to all the civilizations you pass through, mysteries emerge from every corner. The encounter of the character you use with a similar figure but in white clothes seems to imply the theme of enlightenment and self-discovery which seems to be the identity of Journey.

In terms of gameplay, Journey can be said to be very simple. I would categorize it as a platformer/adventure game, with the classic goal which is getting from point A to point B. Implementing a bit of an open world element in it, the world is offered in a fairly open format. Journey clearly makes exploration the foundation of its gameplay. It is more focused on finding a way to get to the next place, with challenges generally rooted in position, puzzle sequences, or the limitations of the main character you use yourself. At some points in the game you have to face aggressive enemies, but you are still in a "peaceful" position. Avoidance is the only way to continue living.

Your main character, also known as "The Traveler", comes with several standard main movements, of course apart from walking through various terrains. He can jump, and can also whistle weakly or strongly as a means of communication and a solution to existing puzzles. However, The Traveler himself is only able to execute one of these movements in a limited number of times. You can whistle as freely as you want, but your jumping ability will be very limited. The main indicator is a scarf that flutters every time you move. Each jump will consume some of the patterns on the eye-pleasing fabric, which, when used up, will eliminate your jumping ability which also means, loss of access to higher ground.

Journey also offers a fantastic world for the audiences to enjoy, not only from the visual side, but also audio. During the trip while you explore, you will also enjoy beautiful and stunning views. Whether you see the small sand tunnel that is created every time the Traveler slides over it, or when the cold snow starts to make your clothes turn white and look heavy, or simply because of the effect of light that appears from the sun at the end of the horizon that refuses to sink. Each of these moments felt extraordinary. It is also supported by soundtracks that is no less evocative. Your journey through so many exotic places with amazing designs seems to be enhanced by the music that accompanies your every small step.

The dreamy vibe and ‘show don’t tell’ approach are also present in the character animations, which I absolutely need to highlight. The living pieces of fabric all wave in the air representing a certain type of animal and the overall animations that come with crossing the extreme surroundings convey a certain weight to the player. Slowly pushing yourself through a snowstorm while your thumbstick says full force forward, or gently letting yourself turn from right to left when sliding down the loose sand of a dune, it all feels very convincing and natural.

At first glance, Journey might look like an experimental project that has the potential to be boring because of the lack of action. But once you start playing it, once you become a Traveler, as soon as your feet step on the first sand of your desert, you can feel the magical power that radiates from this game. It is a wonderful experience that feels as a breather between all the competitive, complex and story-driven games that require the fullest of your attention.

This game is funny to me because clear sky was stalker 2 but it was a prequel so it would be fine not to call it stalker 2 so then this one is stalker 2 but for some reason the 2024 stalker is going to be called stalker 2 that is funny and viscerally upsetting

disco elysium son, planescape: torment daughter

cool that they made a purely co-op experience so i could share these games with my girl friend :)

It's called Ascension because the series can only go up from here.