82 Reviews liked by AshCrown

I didn't think you could fuck these games up but I've been proven wrong

I give it a perfect score for the gameplay. The story is enjoyable as well but it isn't the highlight for Bayonetta, however, I did not enjoy the ending.

I'm a simple woman. I see a gacha with evil older women, I click install. If you're into red flags this is the game for you.

The fact that a game from 1994 still feels fresh in 2022 is a testament to how we still need games like this. Short and snappy!

This review was written before the game released

Although Iron Giant shouldn’t be fighting, the fact that he’s paired with Superman shows that someone on the development team actually watched Iron Giant which is more than you can say for Ready Player One

This review was written before the game released

-1 star for having Steven Universe characters

This review was written before the game released

This game is actually fun. Honestly, I don't think anything is going to compete with Smash Bros, but if they stick with it and add more characters, this could very well have its own cult. And the fact that this game is free to play and offers crossplay is a huge bonus.

Souls-like monster hunter. Pretty damn good with a few hiccups.

Best 2D Soulslike, one of the best metroidvanias in recent years, its so lovely you guys.

About what you would expect from a Civilization game, only that's kind of a problem because this is game number 6 in the series and I'm finding it very difficult to think of something positive to say about it that isn't also true for Civilization V. I'm also not a fan of the art style which honestly looks like complete garbage to me.
The cost of entry is also much higher, sure, the base game is often on sale, but without the expansions it's rather barren. Also, it comes with the crappy 2K launcher which adds nothing of value and it's only there to steal whatever personal information they can gather.
To conclude, Civilization VI is fine. There's nothing really terrible about it, but it's also not very memorable either.

This is one of those I can see why people love it and I'm sure if you don't love it as much as the people that do theirs something wrong with you type games. However, I've tried twice and by the end of Act 1 I am just bored with it. Clearly the D&D style stuff doesn't really do much for me and that's all it comes down too, bit buggy too tbh but yeah good game just not for me.

One of the slickest games I've played in a while. Neon White takes a relatively straightforward gameplay loop, and tells you to go buck-wild with it, optimizing your movement and strats to chase the top of the leaderboard. Its simplicity works to its benefit, as it puts the pressure on your own strategy and execution, which means that if you gave this game a bad rating, it is in fact, a Skill Issue

Not sure why everyone is crying that the anime dialogue is cringe, I thought that was expected? Dialogue aside, I did find the overall story mildly interesting at times, though I have to agree that the "Good" ending doesn't exactly work thematically. But again, its all anime nonsense anyway so who cares about the story when you can literally hit F to skip all of it?

Definitely didn't expect this to be my runner-up GOTY for 2022, but it certainly deserves the praise its getting. Its a banger of a game and probably the best time trial/speedrunning game out there.

Nostalgia porn done right.

look, I commend the effort but the Melee community literally reverse engineered a fucking gamecube game just so they could add rollback netcode to it, all while Nintendo have tried at multiple points to fucking eradicate their community.

I do not know why anyone would think Powdered Toast Man with no voicelines and royalty free Spongebob soundalike songs could stop them from playing Melee

To answer all the clickbait youtube videos with the caption "Is this the NEW Smash Bros ???" - No, it isn't.