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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 21, 2023

First played

December 20, 2023

Platforms Played


This isn't quite a 4/5 but I'm going higher to help the avg smh.

[Disclaimer: This 'review' is basically just a ramble I had in DMs with some edits to be real sentences and legible, if it feels like there's even less flow or format than usual, that's why! Also it's kinda long sorry oops ]

The hate for this game is so much more extreme than it deserves. Sure, I miss being able to throw cash registers as much as the next guy, I think they seriously fumbled by not letting you throw melee weapons, but I also think that the separated inventories is a benefit overall. Having only 10 slots or whatever and having to use them for food items, melee weapons and guns was arguably where the first games got their difficulty, but was mostly just kinda annoying. Getting stuck in a fight against humans with 8 melee weapons and 2 sandwiches was an easy way to lose hours of progress, and that's no longer an issue.

They've also removed the super restrictive timer in this game, which again could be called the 'difficulty' of DR1, but if we're being real that game's timers went so hard that if you weren't sprinting everywhere in the optimal order you couldn't do it anyway. There's definitely a charm to that, but the amount of times I failed something, even the entire story mode, just because I went the wrong way or got lost was frustrating. Especially when particularly useful items were often only found in corners of the map, so you'd head to the weapon shop before going to a psycho only to run out of time to fight them on your way back :p

Also, Frank is an ass and the plot is dumb, but there's no pretending that the first 2 games weren't just as silly. This one is just straight up zombie-killing fun, without the timer and with the map being more open with items scattered around more, it feels more like Dead Rising 3 did: You can mess around as much as you want, get sidetracked as often as you like, just play at your own pace. To me personally, that is what Dead Rising should've been like from the start.
Sure, I still wouldn't say that it's great or anything, but in a franchise that's built on killing zombies in dumb ways the only thing this does particularly 'wrong' is redacting our right to throw everday items, and honestly, I kinda got over this within the first 2 hours.

This game may have a random ass COD UI for some reason, but I don't understand why people are so mad or saying it 'killed the series'. When you encounter survivors in this game you can't accidentally kill them in 2 hits and when you save them they run off on their own. They actually run past zombies! Insane right, the first 2 games taught me that all survivors are obsessed with slowly walking to safety or sprinting headstrong into the horde 😭
I honestly believe at this point that it's just nostalgia. "Why can he be megaman" because it's fun killing dozens of the dead with a blaster why is that a negative 😩

I had never played this game before now because I was lead to believe that it was too over the top and had been stripped down to a sandbox. Just "here's a billion zombies and a bunch of dumb weapons, have fun" with no characters, story, nothing. Knowing it had a story and maniacs is all it took for me to wanna play it and now here I am having had a perfectly enjoyable time: It's Dead Rising, I experienced exactly what I expected to while playing a Dead Rising game 😅

To comment on the game proper: The UI is weird but it's dumb fun and that's really all it has to be, I don't care lol. Also the Christmas/Black Friday theme is perfect for this franchise, don't see enough praise for that. Hearing holiday music on the radio and pause menu is much loved by me, might make an annual habit of spending some time on this each December idk. Besides that the trophy list is atrocious as always. I want this series back, in the RE Engine please 😌

Happy Holidays everyone, appreciate you all greatly❤️