The combat in this game is insultingly bad. You could play through all of Yakuza's 0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 twice and still be grappled less times in total than you will in 1 chapter of this. At one point I was even teleported a couple feet to the side mid-combo because I was being grappled by someone 2 people away.

I honestly can't say I enjoyed any of the last quarter of gameplay at all, and the finale that people seem to adore missed the mark by so much it wasn't even on the same planet. With the final-final boss fight being quite possibly the most infuriating and un-fun thing I've ever done in a game.

The problem isn't even difficulty, the game isn't hard. In fact I didn't die more than once, if at all. But every combat section especially in the last couple chapters is just non-stop stunlocking and knocking you over. I unlocked all the skills people recommend, stability and quicker rise and so on (which in itself is ridiculous. If they're required to make the game playable, don't make them optional.) But I digress, I couldn't even tell you how I beat the final boss I spent so long being juggled or on the ground. Even the counter-attack skill does fuck all, with the enemy simply starting their second attack while you're still hitting them with the counter to the first. It's complete dogshit.

I'm sorry if you like this, and I'm sorry that I didn't. I fucking love Yakuza man but this is bullshit. I didn't even mention the plot but the whole thing is stupid in all the wrong ways. I'm never touching this game again in my life.

P.S. Haruka's barely in it! What's the fucking point.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2022


2 years ago


2 years ago

Yeah its kind of ass so far honestly

2 years ago

@Ditdzy I saw that you started it and almost felt a need to warn you lol. Hopefully you get at least a bit more out of it than I did!