It's fine. The multiple "protagonist" and recruit literally anyone you see are pretty interesting concepts, but as with all of ubisoft's good ideas, they're just not given the care or effort they need to be good. The game is also chock full of cringey dialogue, with my first operative being a white, board game developer called Howard that would unironically say "yo wagwan fam!" to middle-aged strangers.

Otherwise, the plot is about what you'd expect, the gameplay is tight but repetitive. Honestly switch your brain off and put a TV show on to the side and it's a solid background game.

The trophies are bullshit tho, having to not only do all the darts/drinking spots but do them all with the same operative? Without any indication of which ones were done by that person or by another? Fuck you game.

(Also I spent £7.99 irl cash for a booster pack to get the "spend 100,000 ETO" trophy bc I was sure I needed 24k more and I only need 2.5k more... I had 3k in my wallet at the time, blatant waste :'( oh well lmao)

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2022


2 years ago

You say this all but you absolutely loved it :p

2 years ago

Look bro... I only had a confirmed 75k ETO after doing every story and side mission no way I was gunna grind a couple hundred at a time for hours on end for that one last trophy :(

1 year ago

You spent irl money on this dookie game...

1 year ago

...Why though, why spend money for a digital trophy

1 year ago

My perceived options were to either leave the game with 1 trophy unfinished, spend a further (many) hours playing a game I was long done with, or spend the amount of a McDonalds, time is money and I can go without a bigmac for a day lmao