Command and conquer 3 on Xbox 360 is really good. I love playing strategy games with my controller. I'm not kidding this is one of my favorite games on 360. Along with Red alert 3.

Crackdown is really fun. Building up your powers and going from kind of a Grand theft auto ripoff game to flying around the city throwing Cars at bad guys it's great.

A really cool world War II game. EA tried something different the airborne stuff was great, I love this era of unreal engine 3 games. It's a fun first person shooter from right before Call of Duty 4 came along and changed everything.

The controls are all wonky. I never finished this game.

A really good need for speed game.


I wasn't a fan of skate. It wasn't as casual pickup and play is that Tony Hawke games that I liked.


Not a fan of the Ninja turtles but I played this game back in the day because it had really easy achievements. It was actually kind of fun.

You know I played this game back in 2007, I think I liked it, but I don't remember anything about it.

Transformers the movie from 2007 is amazing, it's peak cinema, the world and Western civilization peaked right there, video game not so much it's a mid-2000 movie game. It's fine.

One of the greatest collections of video games of all time. Everybody was excited for the half-life episodes and team fortress 2 but portal just came out and blew everybody's mind. So good.

This was the first Tomb Raider game I ever played. It was pretty fun.

The Simpsons game was surprisingly fun. I've been wanting to play it again but it's ridiculously expensive now.