Track 09 is the most triumphant song I've ever heard.

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I think this game is very special, being the start of the Fable franchise, integrating new features that were fairly impressive and offering an interesting story that is either witty or ridiculous at times, often making me smirk. You do feel its age though.
It's a remaster so they tried their best to improve the graphics, which they did, but I often felt like it didn't look quite as good as it could have, especially compared to games that were released in the same year. I haven't played the original so I can't say for sure whether they changed anything about the gameplay but i thought it felt very fable-y and I progressed smoothly.
I just felt exhausted by the combat system.
It's a lot of dodging and trying to target the right enemy, it feels clunky and my fingers usually start to hurt after 10-15 minutes or so.
One more issue is the aging. It's really cool that they implemented that and in theory, I do like it a lot, but my character just ended up aging too fast. By the time i reached the Arena, my character was in his mid-thirties already, which felt way too fast, and to make matters worse, he looked like he was a year away from retirement. I looked older than my mum. And there I was thinking that the Sims aging system was odd.
All complaints aside, this game is great if you have the patience for it, I personally prefer the later installments but I couldn't miss out on this piece of gaming history.

If you're not a child, this game is not for you.

I'm a fan of the 3rd and 4th game so I felt the need to try this one out and i really can't say I liked it too much. Don't get me wrong, the story drew me in from the very beginning, I liked the world and the activities, I loved how many shops there were and how the game was humorous while maintaining a dark tone, I just can't get beyond the crashes. I don't know how this game runs on other platforms but the PC version is unbearably unstable. I'm a sucker for character customisation and I love to change up my clothes, which I think is a fairly important part of the Saints Row series, but that's exactly when the game tends to crash. I looked all over the Internet, installed the Gentlemen of the Row mod, tried a bunch of different methods from various different sources and I just can't make the game more stable. Some commenter on Steam said "Just don't go clothing shopping." and I'm sorry but that's not a solution for me.
It's a great game when it runs and it seems that most people are very fond of it but personally, I just don't have the patience to restart my game over and over just to pick a new outfit.

This game feels very inspired by Minecraft but don't make the mistake of thinking it's just a clone. The game features a whole campaign, it has quests and a main story, and while you can still do whatever you like, you're encouraged to focus on rebuilding a city. That's where it gets good.
The more quests you fulfill, the more recipes and villagers you unlock, the more weapons and tools you get, the more areas and terrains you get to explore, it's seemingly endless. I really enjoy the feeling of progression and it seems like there's always something to do. The only part I don't enjoy just as much is the combat, it can feel a little weird and clunky sometime and to me, it's almost impossible to get out of a fight without getting hit.
Other than that, if you enjoy the Survival-Builder genre, definitely consider giving it a try. It's crazy addicting and might keep you occupied for a very long time.

Really cute remake, i had a lot of fun replaying this game after such a long time. I don't really remember when i played this game for the first time but it has always stuck with me.

I got this game in a bundle with Mad Father and didn't really know what to expect. I personally found it not as great as Mad Father, mostly because i found the puzzles in the game less logical and often had to look for answers online. The story was ok but very simple and the twist wasn't quite as shocking as in Mad Father.


Playing this game, you truly feel like a Kung Fu beast. You can tell that the creators love the genre and as a fellow martial arts lover, I can't help but appreciate their efforts to encapture it.
The game is hard and it took me a while to get used to the controls. They seem quite intuitive at first but get stressful the more moves you unlock.
The aging feature is quite creative but I found it a bit frustrating and often restarted whole levels because I could not live with myself having aged so much.
All in all, a pretty cool game and a love letter to all the good old martial arts flicks, I personally can't play it for too long though and often give up after just one level.

I should mention that I'm not the biggest Fire Emblem fan. I really liked Awakening and got through Fates and Three Houses but I haven't really finished any of the previous titles and I'm probably not going to play them.
That being said, this game was ok. I know people who absolutely love it and I'm glad for them, I personally don't enjoy Fire Emblem like this.
The story was unbearable to me, i could not sit through any of the cutscenes for longer than 30 seconds. I dislike the designs a lot and while I can see that the people who worked on this game are certainly very talented, I think that they tend to over design and I just find everyone ugly.
The characters are very one note and i don't enjoy their interactions. I guess it's just a little "too anime" for my taste.
The Engage feature is cool at first but gets a little stale after a while. I did think the maps were cool though and enjoyed playing the main game itself.

I guess I'm just not the right demographic for this game. I'm glad for all the Fire Emblem fans that they're making more games and I really hope I can enjoy the next entry in the series more than this one.

A gorgeous game with a fantastic art style and a cute story. I really enjoyed the game play, it's the perfect game for friends or couples to play and the environments are absolutely adorable. I really enjoy tiny things so this game was too cute for me to handle sometime.
The progression in this game is fluent and enjoyable and while the core gameplay wasn't too easy, it was forgiving enough that I didn't feel frustrated. There were a few annoying jump sequences but nothing too terrible.
All in all, I highly recommend this game.

A big improvement to the first game. It's graphically breathtaking and the gameplay is a lot of fun.

I liked this Lara better than the old one.

Another example of watching too much Youtube and thinking the game would be equally fun to play myself. Not only is the game barely able to load, it's also terribly hard to get into it as a newcomer. Not really my idea of fun.

I love this game so much, I even wrote a Steam review.

The soundtrack is amazing and the whole concept is really fun and cute, it does get repetitive after some time though.